By CR on Friday, 08 March 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Jordan B. Peterson in Melbourne: The Great Guru of Meat, Visits By James Reed

     I did not have the money to cover the visit of guru Jordan B. Peterson to Melbourne, but after reading critical demolitions of him, I would not have gone anyway. Still, for the remaining fans out there, mainly men in search of a father figure, I recommend the review by Richard Wolstenecroft, apparently an indy filmmaker, URL below. I hopefully have the right guy (apologies otherwise), there are so many people with that surname, it makes me dizzy:

     Gee, never heard of him, and probably he and his friends don’t read our stuff either. We don’t get invited to any of their gigs, or fancy restaurants. Could it be because even if they found the rock that people like me and Uncle Len lived under, they would be too embarrassed to take us out to eat, given gluttony and the inevitable flatulence, especially Uncle Len who is simply a primate? Maybe we just have a bad reputation, or body odour? Maybe, both.  I could not afford to pay anyway, even for a hamburger and chips at Maccas. However, I feel warm and gooey inside knowing that out there in the wilds of Melbourne, there are great high IQ writers, beyond the finger-pickers like myself, saying stuff that I mildly agree with.  Oh, and the really good journos use strong words, so I made some editorial changes and really hope that I got all the bad words.

“What the [Duck] is Dr. Jordan B. Peterson up to? That B in his name, is that for am-B-guity, or what? I attended Jordan Peterson’s Melbourne speaking engagement, with around 5,500 people on Wednesday, February 13th, 2019. I had a good seat near the front and JP eye balled me at one point. I gave him the thumbs-up sign and smiled him on. I had just had dinner with some top Melbourne New Right folks at a nearby rib & BBQ restaurant at the Crown Casino. We went "all meat" that evening, in honour of JP who is mostly on a meat diet. I actually had not booked a ticket for his show, but a friend of a friend had a spare, and they sorted me out. So, I was in. As a former event promoter, I did a quick calculation of money made from the event, on my iPhone Calculator, while I awaited the arrival of the "Canadian God Emperor of Left Liberal Head Melting" on stage.

5,500 multiplied by, say, the average ticket price of around $150 comes to $800,000 or so. And he’s doing about 15 such events just in Oz and New Zealand. So, I can answer one part of what Jordan Peterson is up to, straight away. He is making sh*tloads of money off his recent celebrity. He could do 100 shows like this a year and, let's say he get's half the take or a third, it's still a fair chunk of change. It's a one-man show, after all, not much expense to tour, with Dave Rubin tagging along as MC and interviewer. It was definitely a good show. JP is one of the best public speakers I have heard. But, during the two hour address, some more complex thoughts began percolating up in my devious brain. Like what else, outside of being a conservative, intellectual, Canadian, "wise dad" archetype, was this guy selling? Or, as the question presented itself to me at the time, "What the [Duck] is Dr. Jordan B. Peterson really up to?"


     Allow me to unpack my thoughts, and—trigger warning!—I will be using the word "archetype" repeatedly and may even say, "…eh?" a lot, in that most Canadian of ways, eh? This is how Jordan Peterson seems to me:

     He preaches a kind of conservative Globalism that ultimately pushes a more Conservative Neo-liberal agenda, while also painting an upbeat vision of our Techno Scientific World, and tops it all off by taking the New Left ideologists to the proverbial wood shed for a damn good, old fashioned hiding. But beyond the whimpers and squeals of those of a Marxist hue, and his aversion to all things Communist and collectivist (including the Right-wing variety), he is pretty much a run-of-the-mill, mildly Right-leaning liberal Centrist. I would direct him to my own article on economic Libertarianism itself being collectivist, so that he can see he has a little "collectivism" on his own hands, whether he likes it or not.”

     Well that went a bit softer on Dr Guru than others have done, but is still in the correct ballpark, or is that meat works? Why can’t I make heaps of money talking to crowed theatres of cheesed-off people?

     Basically, if one’s book has not been banned by Big Fascist Tech, and one can freely enter the country, then one is not a threat to the system, however much one refutes crazy feminist journalists, here and there.

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