An academic article in the journal PLOS ONE, abstract below, has found that Covid masks fit better if first one wears ladies’ panty hose over one’s face! I kid thee not. Who has the time to think of bizarre things like that? Why not wear bras too? Clearly there is something just not right with this mask business. I keep thinking of the movie Eyes Wide Shut (1999), where the elites in their depravity wore masks. It is, in my opinion, a psycho-sexual disorder of the elites, projected upon wider society. After all, numerous studies have shown that the masks do not work, so they must therefore serve an ideological purpose.


“Face mask fit hacks: Improving the fit of KN95 masks and surgical masks with fit alteration techniques

·         Abstract

·         Introduction

·         Methods

·         Results and discussion

·         Conclusions


Ladies, lock up your hosiery!