By CR on Friday, 01 February 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

It is Immigration Mr Popey that Makes Us Crazy By Peter West

     Each week the anti-West commo Pope does ever more to excel in anti-Western sentiment, hoping like a good Pope to get a pat on his head from the globalist elites. Thus, he has headed down south to promote  mass immigrations holidays to America:

“Pope Francis decried the fear of migrants Thursday during his visit to Panama, seemingly advocating for the migrant caravans that flooded the southern U.S. border. Francis made the comments during his visit to preside over World Youth Day in Panama amid the fomenting of more migrant caravans in Central America. The pontiff urged church leaders to advocate for hospitality and acceptance of migrants in the countries to which they try to gain entrance, which in past months have been Mexico and the U.S. “The Church, by virtue of her universality, can provide the fraternal hospitality and acceptance that can enable the communities of origin and of destination to dialogue and to help overcome fears and suspicions,” Francis said, according to The Wall Street Journal. Francis also told reporters during his flight to Panama that fear over migrants was “making us crazy.”

Francis’ support of migrants, both legal and illegal, has been typical of his papacy. The pontiff spoke in Ciudad Juarez in 2016 as a show of support for the thousands of undocumented Central American migrants hoping to enter the U.S. He decried the gang violence and human trafficking that migrants faced during their journey, which characterized as “forced migration.”

“The human tragedy that is forced migration is a global phenomenon today,” Francis said. “No more death! No more exploitation! There is still time to change, there is still a way out and a chance, time to implore the mercy of God.” Francis has also called for countries across the globe to open their borders to waves of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, imploring them to abandon their fears of predominantly Muslim migrants despite the Islamic terrorist attacks that have plagued countries with significant migrant populations.”

“Pope Francis said Wednesday that fear of migration is “making us crazy” as he began a trip to Central America amid a standoff over President Donald Trump’s promised wall at the U.S.-Mexico border and a new caravan of migrants heading north. Francis was asked by reporters about the proposed border wall Wednesday on the way to Panama, where he is looking to leave the sex abuse scandals buffeting his papacy behind. Francis responded: “It is the fear that makes us crazy.”

     On the contrary, it is the endless waves of migrants which make people “crazy.” And, what is “crazy” is expecting people to eternally put up with it, and it is only because the West has gone through a consumer period of softness that all this has happened in the first place. The Vikings, Normans, ancient Greeks Romans and Spartans, even Australians of 100 years ago, would not have tolerated that which the modern Westerner is expected to swallow. All that is written about here would have been unthinkable. Popes of earlier centuries would not believe the things that come out of the mouth of the present Pope. He has made sacred religion merely a form of social justice warriorhood. There are so many more important moral evils that he could address, but he has become a representative of the immigration department.

     The above articles are all variations of the same theme; that the West has a moral obligation to take in an endless supply of immigrants, or it is “racist” the ultimate political weapon, causing people to drop dead from just one point of the word. This is simply nonsense. And, I for one will never set forth in a Catholic church again while this globo-commo Pope rules the roost, even though it causes me deep spiritual pain.

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