Dr Ed Dutton, who has the Jolly Heretic.com blog, has covered the controversy raised once more by the British grooming gangs, which consisted of migrants who groomed, raped, murdered, and in one suspected case, cannibalised White British girls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrXMiCzpmLE.These rape gangs were known to the police for many years, but the police did not act because they feared it would create a "racist" backlash, and anti-White racism is what the UK is now based upon, not the liberal democratic rule of law. These crimes involved hundreds of thousands of children, making the grooming gang rapes one of the worst events of UK history, all sanctioned by the multicultural communist UK state. This is also seen with a leaked government report that discounted the grooming gangs, even though some individuals were prosecuted and sentenced to prison, as a Right-wing conspiracy. Further, the Under Secretary of State for "Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls," Jess Phillips, rejected calls for a public inquiry into Pakistani grooming gangs in Oldham in the Northwest of England; so much for protecting women. Diversity at all costs.

The UK government's both Labour and Conservative have covered this genocide up because of the power of the Muslim lobby. But Elon Musk, following on from the jihad terrorist attacks in America, decided to expose this story on X, which has now been seen by millions. The Starmer government moved to punish White British protesters in the riots of 2024, arising from jihad murders of young girls at a dance party, and emptied jails so that Whites even commenting on social media were imprisoned. Musk at the time saw civil war coming. He now seems to be working to bring down the Starmer government in favour of the Reform Party. That will start to make up for the black mark in his copy book over the American H-1B visa debate.

Dr Dutton proposes that a public tipping point is reached once an active 25 percent of the population comes to see the light. Let us hope this will now occur. It is the lowest point for Britain now, and sinking ever deeper into the quicksands of history.


"As the year 2025 begins, a number of events have conspired to bring about a particularly potent reaction among the British people. This livid response puts me in mind of something that a Helsinki primary school headmaster told me in about 2011. This may seem like a rather obscure connection to make, but bear with me.

What have we seen in just the last few days?

Firstly, it has been revealed that a leaked UK government report condemned those who were concerned about the grooming and gang rape by Pakistanis of underage white underclass girls (some as young as 9) in deprived English towns over the last 30 years as "right wing extremists" and "conspiracy theorists."

Secondly, the country's Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, declared that indoctrination with the joys of Multiculturalism must be ramped up in UK schools. These are schools where, already, the History curriculum is exclusively the Slave Trade and the Nazis.

Thirdly, the Under Secretary of State for "Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls," Jess Phillips, rejected calls for a public inquiry into Pakistani grooming gangs in Oldham in the Northwest of England. This has led to renewed fury over the deliberate cover-up of what went on by Woke-motivated social workers, politicians, and police who were concerned that if the truth came out, then "Multiculturalism" would be challenged. These "truths" include social workers claiming that the girls were difficult and basically deserved it, that (as one Pakistani Labour MP concurred) they should shut up about it for the sake of "diversity," ….

Oh, and there have been two Islamic terrorist attacks in the US, with the one in New Orleans having claimed 15 lives so far. This has happened in a context in which the wealthiest man in the world is putting his support behind the AfD in Germany, which is campaigning for the mass deportation of Muslim men, and behind the (albeit slightly cucked) Reform Party in the UK.

How does this relate to my Helsinki headmaster? He remarked to me that he noticed that once about one-third of the pupils at his school were non-Finns, then almost all of the Finnish pupils left and seemed to do so very quickly. Accordingly, by the time I spoke to him, his school, in a poor area of the Finnish capital, was overwhelmingly non-Finnish.

We are pack animals, and each member of our pack has a threshold. When this is reached, they will react. They will, for example, become angry about something, and this will gradually become clear, with subtle changes in how they behave. Alternatively, they might become anxious about something, with the same results. When enough people with low thresholds are activated, you start to get a cascade effect.

A study in the journal Science in 2018 – "Experimental evidence for tipping points in social convention" – found the tipping-point to be 25%. Once 25% of people in a group change their mind about, for example, which is the larger of two rectangles, then, even if the 25% are empirically wrong, the rest of the group will flip over to their point of view relatively quickly. The norms of the entire group will shift; there will be a cascade effect.

Why does this happen? It happens because the "radicals," oozing confidence, are seen as the up-and-coming elite; the Young Turks who are gaining power and, naturally, you want to be on the winning team. It happens because we are highly social creatures and we wish to be accepted; to not be left out, so we try to get in ahead of the rest to reap the relevant social benefits. It happens because most of us look to others for guidance; we rely on others and imitate them. There is something about a quarter of a group doing something or believing something new which signals to us that this is the way the herd is moving, and we had better move with them or be ripped apart by the wolves that stalk the stragglers.

We can find ways to justify ignoring what is happening when people with very low thresholds for the abuse of members of their group by Pakistani males get upset about it. In 2004, the British National Party (BNP) first drew attention to what was happening to underage white girls in these ex-Industrial northern towns. They were filmed doing so by an undercover reporter, and the leader of the BNP (as well as two other prominent members) was put on trial for inciting racial hatred. They were eventually found "Not Guilty," with their barrister mentioning the climate of fear in England which increasingly made people frightened to express their opinions. This was twenty years ago, and it's obviously got far worse since.

We would expect, as living standards got worse and worse due to Multiculturalism and immigration – more and more crime, worse and worse services, competing with foreigners for jobs and scarce accommodation, openly lied to and held in contempt by your virtue-signaling elite - more and more people's threshold for suppressing their feelings (or even for forcing themselves to believe in the benefits of Multiculturalism in order to feel moral and not like pariahs) would be surpassed. More and more people would start expressing how they genuinely felt in private conversations, which would embolden psychologically weaker and psychologically more conformist people to do the same. And if a powerful group whom they tend to imitate and grudgingly admire gets on board – the US, via Elon Musk tweeting about it all – then this will embolden the psychologically weak even further.

I get the impression that Sir Keir Starmer's tone-deaf, authoritarian, nakedly partisan reaction to the riots in the wake of the Jihadist Stockport Massacre was a turning point for many people. With this, what was happening – two-tier policing, murder due to Multicultural policies, the contempt of the Woke elite for English people – was so obvious that the threshold was passed. More and more people were prepared to accept low-status yet empirically accurate beliefs: the English elite are wilfully following a policy to turn the English into a minority, they prefer Pakistani rapists to underclass English girls, the Multiculturalism from which they get their moral status must be upheld even if it means lying and sacrificing these girls (literally in the case of the one from Blackpool), and there is a low-level civil war in England in which Pakistani males engage in this behavior in order to humiliate the natives and signal their tribal success. Tribes always conquer other tribes by taking control of their females.

In December 1989, the Romanian Communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu (1918-1989) infamously fell on live television when the herd moved in front of him while he was delivering a speech to the crowd in Bucharest. They began booing and laughing; their fear overcome; their threshold finally reached. Everyone, even his bodyguard who advised him to leave the stage, realized it was over. He was executed, along with his wife, on Christmas Day.

With the interrelated events of the past few days, I wonder if the English herd is finally beginning to move?"


"My X feed suddenly started featuring posts about the infamous and utterly heinous story that Muslim rape gangs in Northern England had, for more than three decades (from the late 1970s to 2013), exploited hundreds of thousands of British children. Worse, they were enabled by British police and politicians afraid of "inflaming tensions" with the Muslim population.

Why the sudden interest in an 11-year-old story? It turns out that Elon Musk, who is unafraid of being imprisoned by Britain's increasingly totalitarian government, learned about what happened and went on an X rampage, forcing the story into the daylight, including PM Keir Starmer's apparent role in the cover-up.

Here's what I was able to piece together:

Beginning in the 1970s and accelerating hard and fast in the 1990s, Yorkshire, once the most English region in the UK, became the primary destination outside of London for Pakistani immigrants. In 2013, news broke that Muslim rape gangs had been sexually exploiting non-Muslim children in Rotherham, a town in Yorkshire. That was terrible, but what made the story a scandal was that the police and government had known about these gangs and had done nothing for fear of "inflaming" the Muslim population.

As time went by, it became clear that the grooming wasn't limited to Rotherham. In one town and city after another across Britain (although mostly in the North and the Midlands), the same pattern was revealed: Muslims were horrifically exploiting non-Muslim British children while the authorities deliberately turned a blind eye.

The past might have stayed in the past were it not for Elon Musk, who became aware of a debate on X about Muslim immigration to the UK. The debate started by talking about Muslim immigration generally, with a leftist saying it worked wonderfully and Sam Bidwell, a conservative, giving chapter and verse about its failures. In that tweet, he said, "We still have dozens of towns which bear the scars of Pakistani grooming gangs, who targeted young girls because they were white."

Naturally, a leftist challenged him to name those "dozens" of towns. Bidwell obliged with a list of 20 towns (and commenters added more), and Elon Musk took notice:

When Elon Musk notices something, the world notices. On January 1, while physical bombs went off in New Orleans and Las Vegas, Musk ignited a fact bomb on X when he retweeted a post by Ian Miles Cheong about the rape gangs:

The short video tells the story of just one exploited child and the police and judicial response (which was to victimize the victim). The moment Musk reposted that tweet, he must have started receiving a lot of information, not just about what happened in the past, but about PM Keir Starmer and his government.

Suddenly, Musk was on fire, retweeting to the tens of millions who read his tweets story after story about the horrors the Muslim gangs inflicted on British children and about institutional British complicity, with everyone—the government, the police, and the media—covering up and downplaying what happened.

Musk also retweeted this thread (which I urge you to read), giving a detailed history about the rape gangs and the institutional cover-up.

After just a few of these retweets, Musk stated the obvious, which is that many in the British government need to go to jail and that Reform UK is Britain's only hope:

There are now hundreds, perhaps thousands, of posts about the rape gangs flooding X, all because Musk got hold of a tweet thread about immigration. Tommy Robinson, whom the British government has persecuted relentlessly for speaking out about the Islamic gangs, got Musk's attention, too:

This revisiting of past events might have died there were it not for the fact that Musk discovered PM Starmer's role in the grooming gang story. First, he retweeted a report that, back in October, Jess Phillips, the Labour Party's ironically named "Minister for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls," blocked a nationwide inquiry into the gangs, saying that, while rape is bad and inquiries are good, all inquiries should be conducted at a purely local level, leaving the British government out of it:

Musk was not pleased:

(Musk later discovered that the Tories were equally complicit in covering up what happened. The British government, left and right, is a club.)

And then Musk discovered that Starmer himself may have been part of the cover-up:

With Elon Musk reminding people of what happened and exposing the fact that, even now, at least one of the gang leaders is still living comfortably in Britain despite a nine-year-old deportation order and another one received a peerage, the dam of cowed silence in Britain is beginning to break.

That Musk is forcing awareness on the British people matters because the British thought police are out there. If you make people (read: Muslims or so-called "transgenders") uncomfortable (read: angry), you will be arrested. Freedom of speech and thought is dead in Britain, and that's true whether Labour or Tory leads the government. Their politicians are afraid of alienating Muslim voters, who now make up sizable, activist voting blocs. If you're in the government and try to speak, you will be silenced.

This has been a long post, and it could easily be ten times as long. I'll leave you with two tweets from this morning, both affirming that Musk wants to bring down the Labour government (and, as he said, get Reform UK in power):

And as you'll inevitably hear leftists shriek about Musk's billions, please note that Musk isn't effecting this change by using his money to drive secret backroom dealings. He's doing it solely by exposing people to the truth—especially the people of Britain, who can almost certainly handle the truth but who are forbidden to speak it."


"The Government has formally rejected repeated requests for a Home Office-led inquiry into historic child abuse in Oldham after the town's council voted on the matter earlier this year.

Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips has responded to two letters from the Oldham Council executive after the authority voted to write to the Home Secretary requesting a formal Public Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in the borough.

The council also voted to continue its work with survivors and others affected in preparing the framework and to commission an independent inquiry should the Home Office refuse the above request.

But Phillips's letter to the council, seen by GB News, confirms that the Government will not intervene.

The Minister said that she understands "the strength of feeling that a further inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Oldham should be undertaken."

Phillips added that she was "very sorry for the delay" in responding to both of the executive's letters.

But she said that she believed "it is for Oldham Council alone to decide to commission an inquiry into child sexual exploitation locally, rather than for the Government to intervene".

The Minister continued: "I welcome the Council's resolution to do so, as set out in your letter, and to continue its important work with victims and survivors."

Oldham Council's Labour group dramatically agreed to support an independent inquiry after losing majority control in May's local elections.

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority found in 2022 that police and the local authority in Oldham failed to protect children from sexual abuse.

But many local survivors of abuse feel as though the report did not go far enough.

An Oldham Council spokesman said: "Survivors sit at the heart of our work to end child sexual exploitation. Whatever happens in terms of future inquiries, we have promised them that their wishes will be paramount, and we will not renege on that pledge.

"We all recognise that terrible mistakes were made in the past, with children ignored or dismissed. By ensuring that survivors have a voice that is heard, we can help make sure that no child will be failed in the future."

GB news understands that Oldham Council has made contact with Telford – which was also rocked by a similar scandal – and the people who carried out its inquiry to look at various options for Oldham.

A grooming gang survivor from the town told GB News back in May that she was concerned about the council's plans for an inquiry.

Sam told The People's Channel: "A government inquiry is the only way to hold Oldham Council and GMP accountable for their huge failures that led to hundreds of survivors being mistreated and not listened to.

"A Telford-style inquiry will give answers to survivors but it won't give justice to those who deserve it."

This broadcaster understands that Oldham Council works with a group of survivors to ensure that they are being heard and are being given the space to tell council officers what they want to see happen in terms of inquiries and future investigations.

A Home Office spokesman said: "No child should ever suffer sexual abuse or exploitation. Everyone who is responsible for children's welfare must learn from past mistakes and do everything possible to prevent future failures."

There is a precedent for local authorities delivering successful independent inquiries into the grooming gangs scandal, such as in Rotherham and Telford, where thousands of victims were identified after decades of abuse were ignored by the authorities."


"Thousands of British girls were systematically raped, tortured, and trafficked by Pakistani grooming gangs from the late 1980s well into the new millennium. For years, authorities failed to help the victims and hold the pedophilic rapists accountable in part because of "nervousness about race." The British media, rendered largely useless by political correctness and an apparent disinterest in the fate of white, working-class children, similarly dropped the ball and in some cases even suppressed details about the horrific and widespread issue.

Former British Home Secretary Suella Braverman, a critic of the "misguided dogma of multiculturalism," noted in September 2023 that the "systematic rape, abuse and exploitation of young girls by organized gangs of older men — and the disgraceful failure of the authorities to act despite ample evidence — is a stain on our country."

Elon Musk generated serious waves Wednesday by suggesting that the recent refusal by the isles' stained Labour government to take a closer look at the historic abuse is connected with the leftist prime minister's apparent failures of yesteryear.

"In the UK, serious crimes such as rape require the Crown Prosecution Service's approval for the police to charge suspects," Musk tweeted Wednesday. "Who was the head of the CPS when rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without facing justice? Keir Starmer, 2008-2013."

The Financial Times noted that during the time period highlighted by Musk, Starmer served as director of public prosecutions, getting around to prosecuting elements of the Rochdale rape gang only during his final year in the position — after the scandal in Greater Manchester became too great to ignore.

Starmer admitted in 2012 that the rapists had long escaped justice because police, prosecutors, and the courts had failed to understand the nature of the abuse.

"In a number of cases presented to us, particularly in cases involving groups, there's clearly an issue of ethnicity that has to be understood and addressed," Starmer said. "But if we're honest it's the approach to the victims, the credibility issue, that caused these cases not to be prosecuted in the past. There was a lack of understanding."

The Financial Times indicated that the prime minister's office declined to comment on Musk's accusation.

Hours after suggesting Starmer failed to hold rapists to account as a prosecutor, Musk suggested Starmer's Labour government has since added insult to injury.

"Who is the boss of Jess Phillips right now? Keir Stamer," tweeted Musk. "The real reason she's refusing to investigate the rape gangs is that it would obviously lead to the blaming of Keir Stamer (head of the CPS at the time)."

Jess Phillips, whom Musk said "deserves to be in prison," has served as Starmer's parliamentary under-secretary of state for safeguarding and violence against women and girls since July.

'It's clear whose side she is on.'

GB News reported that Phillips turned down the Oldham Council executive's request for a formal public inquiry into child sexual exploitation in their borough. Shadow Home Office minister Chris Philp told the BBC that Conservatives backed Oldham Council's request.

In her response, Phillips reportedly suggested that she understands "the strength of feeling that a further inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Oldham should be undertaken" but that "it is for Oldham Council alone to decide to commission an inquiry into child sexual exploitation locally, rather than for the Government to intervene."

Former Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister Liz Truss noted, "This is Jess Phillips, the same Home Office Minister who excused masked Islamist thugs. Her title 'Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls' is a perversion of the English language. It's clear whose side she is on."

'2025 must be the year that the victims start to get justice.'

The Critic echoed Musk's suggestion that Phillips might oppose an inquiry for fear of uncovering "the extent of institutional complicity" but noted further that "one also can't help wondering if Phillips — who, at the last General Election, narrowly triumphed in her heavily Muslim Birmingham Yardley constituency over Jody McIntyre, a Muslim candidate campaigning on the issue of Gaza — fears upsetting her constituents."

Tom Jones, writing for Unherd, suggested that "the reasons for refusing a Government intervention can be disputed, but it cannot be disputed that it is reprehensible. The case for a centralized inquiry is clear: while this request was for Oldham alone, there has been a rape gang scandal in over 50 British towns and cities. This is a staggering scale of depravity, and most cases are marked by close resemblances in their systematic nature."

Jones noted further that the government has the resources, authority, and backing necessary to launch a proper inquiry, not to mention the distance that would be lacking should the council in Oldham investigate its own conduct.

While the Starmer government appears uninterested in pursuing answers in Oldham, Kemi Badenoch, leader of the Conservative Party, noted Thursday morning, "The time is long overdue for a full national inquiry into the rape gangs scandal."

"Trials have taken place all over the country in recent years but no one in authority has joined the dots," wrote Badenoch. "2025 must be the year that the victims start to get justice."

Chris Philp told the BBC, "We need a proper national inquiry to look at all of these issues across all of the towns affected. And I'm afraid to say there are something like, you know, 15 to 25 different towns involved, covering thousands and thousands of victims."

Philp noted further that the inquiry should examine why the pedophile rape gangs were "overwhelmingly of South Asian background."