By CR on Thursday, 10 January 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Impeaching the Donald By Charles Taylor

     The US Dumocrats, tools of the psychopathological globalists, are moving quickly now, given their false sense of power to attempt to impeach President Donald Trump, because, well, no one is permitted to have the beliefs that he has, and the deplorables need to be replaced by migrants. There needs to be, in this worldview, more politicians like the Muslim-elect, Rashida Tlab, who talks like a real “lady”:

“Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who made history this week as one of the first two Muslim American women sworn in as members of Congress, has sent some people into spasms by talking about impeaching President Donald Trump and using a four-letter word in the process. “And when your son looks at you and says, ‘Mama, look, you won. Bullies don’t win,’ and I said, ‘Baby, they don’t,’ because we’re going to go in there and we’re going to impeach the mother**ker,” she told a crowd of supporters on Thursday night celebrating the new Democratic majority in the House. It was entirely predictable that conservatives and Trump supporters would erupt with faux outrage at hearing foul language from a Democrat. And Trump ? the president who famously spoke of grabbing women “by the p**sy,” called Haiti and some African nations “sh**hole countries” and who has even publicly hurled “motherf**kers” himself ? said Tlaib “dishonored her family” with the comment.”

     Now I did a little censoring of the comment to keep things decent as we are a Christian organisation, and swearing and cuss words are bad, but that is the point. Whatever you think about Muslims and Islam, the faith is against use of such profane language, that is obvious. Yet there it is in all its misery. Clearly in Left wing politics, all that matters is destroying Tradition, wherever that Tradition comes from. I imagine that even in an Islamic world, socialist types will be working away to undermine their tradition.

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