As revealed by recent WikiLeaks emails from the US State Department, Hillary Clinton, when Secretary of State, knew about the dangers of gain-of-function research being conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, blamed by many as ground zero for the release of SARS-Co-2, Covid-19. While we might have expected that she would have done nothing, surprisingly she did warn France that gain-of-function activities at the Wuhan lab could cause “biological weapons proliferation concern.” Then she did nothing. The State Department cables were from June 2009.

Leaked State Department emails reveal Hillary Clinton knew about the dangers of Communist China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology while she was Secretary of State.

The State Department cables from June 2009 obtained by WikiLeaks reveal Clinton warned France that gain-of-function activities at the Wuhan lab could cause “biological weapons proliferation concern.”

The cables were sent to all embassies in member nations ahead of the Australia Group plenary session in Paris from September 21-25, 2009.

The Australia Group is an “informal” international export control forum created to prevent the spread of technologies and research that could contribute to the development of chemical and biological weapons.

“We believe it is important to focus on emerging chemical and biological technologies, trends in the trade of CBW-related goods and threats,” former Secretary Clinton stated.

Directed to France, the email continues: “The U.S. believes participants would benefit from hearing about your experiences assisting China in setting up a Biosafety Level-4 (BSL-4) laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology from the export control and intangible technology transfer perspectives.”

“We are particularly interested to know how China plans to vet incoming foreign researchers from countries of biological weapons proliferation concern,” Clinton added.

Clinton also asked Australia Group members to hand over information related to China’s biological and chemical weapons program.

The cables were sent to all embassies in member nations ahead of the Australia Group plenary session in Paris from September 21-25, 2009.

The Australia Group is an “informal” international export control forum created to prevent the spread of technologies and research that could contribute to the development of chemical and biological weapons.

“We believe it is important to focus on emerging chemical and biological technologies, trends in the trade of CBW-related goods and threats,” former Secretary Clinton stated.

The U.S. believes AG members would be interested in any information you can share related to China and North Korea, specifically information related to:

– China’s Institutes of Biological Products (locations in Beijing and Wuhan), to include overhead imagery analysis, if possible. 

– Your perceptions of the CBW proliferation activities by Chinese entities. 

– Your perceptions of Chinese government efforts to enforce its export control rules.

Hillary concludes the cable by signing CLINTON at the bottom.

42 nations are part of the Australia Group, including the Five Eyes nations of Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the United States and Australia.

Communist China is notably not part of the group.

Clinton has never spoken publicly about these emails since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic.

In fact, Clinton asserted in March 2021 that claiming SARS-Cov-2 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was “racist,” blaming them for attacks on Asian-Americans.

But these emails suggest Clinton knew a great deal more about the Wuhan lab, and did nothing to address its risky research as Secretary of State.”