By CR on Saturday, 20 October 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Hillary Clinton Defends Billy Goat’s Sexual Adventures By Charles Taylor

     You have to hand it to the libtards for barefaced arrogance. We have been put through the debacle of the smearing of Justice Kavanaugh by numerous unsubstantiated rape claims, yet there is Bill Clinton, accused of rape by numerous credible victims, and what has happened? Well, Hillary Clinton has defended him, at least regarding the Lewinsky affair:

“Former 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a Sunday interview that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, did not abuse his power when he had an affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
The former first lady told CBS Sunday Morning that her husband also made the right decision to not to resign from the presidency in the wake of the scandal that led to her husband’s impeachment for lying about the affair with the then-22-year-old intern. When asked if her husband should have resigned from the presidency, Clinton said, “Absolutely not.”

     The reason here is that Monica was an adult at the time. Yes, but was Bill? Anyway, the libtards are now advocating  kind of Clayton’s revolution, to remove Trump from office, no, overthrow the government, lawfully, of course:

“Alec Baldwin recently said that we should overthrow the United States government. “In an orderly and formal way, and lawful way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump,” Baldwin said Sunday night at a major fundraising dinner for New Hampshire’s Democratic Party. Less than 24 hours after reprising his Emmy Award-winning parody of President Trump on “Saturday Night Live,” Alec Baldwin took aim at the president again, reported Fox News. Baldwin also said that his role as Trump on “SNL” wasn’t supposed to last as long as it has. “‘Just three shows,’ he said,” as Baldwin recalled a moment of his past when “SNL” producer Lorne Michaels tried to convince the actor to portray then-candidate Donald Trump. “‘Till the election,’ he said. ‘Then he’ll be gone,’ he said. ‘Three shows. It will be fun,’ he said. But Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election resulted in an extension of Baldwin’s run on the late-night comedy show which has been extended and included this weekend’s opening sketch about Trump’s recent meeting with rapper Kanye West.

All of this was said moments before Baldwin insisted that through voting for Democrats, “we” should overthrow the government. He then attempted to rally the left-leaning mob of a crowd to vote in next month’s midterm elections, saying “this election and the one that follows in 2020 will be the most consequential elections since the election of FDR.It is time to overthrow the government of Donald Trump — not in a violent way or unlawful way — but it must be overthrown nonetheless.” Baldwin’s almost 20-minute long speech ended with him saying, “Let’s make America great again by making Donald Trump a casino operator again,” he said. “Every day I wake up, I still am horrified,” Baldwin continued. “I feel like I’m in some dream that Trump is president of the United States. I almost can’t even say it.”

     Hopefully, Baldwin’s kind will be crushed in the mid-terms, and their world view smashed, and overthrown, in the time to come. How could people have led it degenerate to this level, in this rule by totalitarian  monsters? Whatever happened to liberty and democracy?

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