By CR on Friday, 25 January 2019
Category: Genderism

Have Your Family Early By Mrs Vera West

     The benefits of young women having families early, then returning to work for the capitalist and becoming a wage slave, like men, are considerable. A recent article by a middle aged mum, put the case:

“I soon discovered late motherhood often comes with a painful backstory. In my case what I’d taken for granted a few years earlier had become virtually impossible. That’s why my message to younger women is: Please don’t wait. Don’t go through what I did. There is never a perfect time. We mended our marriage, my career continued, I recovered from the loss of my father. It turned out anything was possible except having a baby. I was 39 when my husband and I began trying for a second child. Nothing happened. Six months and then a year passed. Still nothing. As any woman who is hoping to get pregnant will know, a year of trying is a long time. And the panic grew. Had I left it too late? And so, I found myself in one of Britain’s largest assisted conception units at Guy’s Hospital in London. Where Mother Nature could no longer deliver, modern science would step in, surely? Lots of women clearly had the same thought, as a third of the female patients at Guy’s ACU are over 40. But, though there have been increased IVF success rates, senior consultant gynaecologist Tarek El-Toukhy explained: ‘It’s non-age-related fertility issues that on the whole we’re getting better at treating. If ovaries and eggs are ageing, there’s much less we can do.’

The statistics back this up. Just over 33 per cent of women under 35 end up with a baby after one round of IVF. But for women over the age of 42, the ‘live birth rate’ drops to less than ten per cent. This falls below two per cent for women over 44, as egg quality diminishes with age, making implantation in the womb less likely. Small wonder I cycled home from the clinic on that first day in tears. I was nearly 41 when I started my first round of IVF. I knew the odds were drastically stacked against me, but I hadn’t factored in just how unpredictable our reproductive systems can be.”

     Hopefully these words of wisdom will be passed onto young women, and the pitter patter of little feet will continue or else we will go extinct.

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