Beijing Biden in his mask fetish now wears two masks, starving his brain of even more oxygen. Now Bill Gates is upping the numbers of Covid vax shots to three. You can bet it will become a continuous thing, as people end up having tens of thousands of shots, so many that they turn in to pin cushions. At least, as documented here the public are worried about this vax.


However, this was all a trial run. Gates is ahead of the curve and climate change and terrorism are going to be the next big things to do us over and over again:

Bill Gates, who was a part of event 201 before the coronavirus scamdemic “plagued” the world, is predicting there will be two other crises. And since we know he’s neck-deep in the COVID-19 scam, he’s probably got a role in these other crises as well.

Gates, a billionaire whose wealth has expanded while others were impoverished thanks to their enslavement to the ruling class is all but telling us what to expect the elitists to propagate as a “crisis.” We knew eventually that they’d try the climate change angle and demand we give up our private property while they live in luxury at our expense.

According to a report by The Hill, Gates revealed his “predictions” during an interview on Derek Muller’s YouTube channel Veritasium. Gates pointed out two prominent threats facing the modern world: climate change and bioterrorism.

“Every year that [climate change] would be a death toll even greater than we’ve had in this pandemic,” Gates said during the interview.

“Also, related to pandemics is something people don’t like to talk about much, which is bioterrorism, that somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus. So that means the chance of running into this is more than just the naturally caused epidemics like the current one,” he said.

Bill Gates thinks we should be further enslaved to prevent the crises he’s planning on from happening. He’s all about control and power over everyone else.

While Gates said there will certainly be more pandemics in the future, he said humanity could increase its preparedness for one to the point where the world would never have a death toll anywhere near what is occurring today with the coronavirus outbreak, which has infected more than 107 million people and killed more than 2.3 million around the globe.

“Pandemics can be worse in terms of fatalities. Smallpox was over 30 percent fatality,” Gates said. “We were lucky that the fatality here is not, not super high, but we can nip in the bud…the number of deaths with the right system should be a tenth of what we’ve seen here.”

Gates said the world could prepare for the next pandemic by advancing mRNA research, the technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, increasing testing to 10 million PCR tests a day, and making more investments in diagnostic machines and therapeutics. –The Hill

However, the biggest crisis facing humanity is the people’s Inability to oppose evil choosing to live in their comfort zones, protecting their little bundle of goodies, while the world is burnt down, in the US, literally.