By CR on Monday, 15 July 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

For all Lovers of Decentralisation By James Reed

     Here we love decentralisation, and believe that small is beautiful. For entertainment purposes, here is an article outlining all of the micro states in Europe, only some of which I had previously heard of. Delightful; when are we going there?

     Then again, why not build your own country?

“If you’d like to live in a country that caters to your values and lifestyle, why not build your own? Nearly half the earth’s surface is a blue frontier over which no country holds sovereignty, and start-up cities that float permanently in international waters will soon be economically feasible as construction materials get cheaper, greener and printable in 3D form. These will be homesteads on the high seas — or seasteads. Joe QuirkBy 2020, Blue Frontiers, our for-profit spinoff from The Seasteading Institute, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, plans to provide fresh jurisdictions on floating sustainable islands designed to adapt organically to sea level change. These will be privately financed and built by local maritime construction firms employing the latest in sustainable blue tech.We’ve already raised our seed round of investments to perform research and secure legislation, so get ready for the next wave of nations.Of course, the need for seasteads could not be greater. Americans are fed up with their government — in a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, nearly two-thirds of Americans reported that they trust neither the Democratic or Republican establishment to represent them. But this isn’t a new sentiment. America’s founders were also fed up with their government. The New World served as a platform where political innovators could experiment with unconventional ideas. As new states and territories were established piecemeal across the frontier, they became incubators for novel ideas of governance — eventually shaping the country we have today.”

     Our own country, based upon an artificial island constructed in the southern oceans … yes, it is something worth dreaming about as a plan C. it cheers me up, and gives also the warm and fuzzy feeling that downing a good Scotch whiskey does.

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