By CR on Thursday, 31 May 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Fear of Arrows By John Steele

     Fair enough; the elites and inner city chatterers fear guns and other phallic symbols, but isn’t it drawing a long bow, to be against, well, long bows?

“New York Democrat Linda Rosenthal has introduced new legislation that would completely eliminate all shooting sports from New York schools, effectively disallowing students from using any form of equipment that launches any kind of projectile, which Rosenthal believes contributes to the spread of “gun culture.” Because she doesn’t like guns, Rosenthal naturally has a negative view towards the culture that surrounds their use in the United States. And if she gets her wish, New York school students will be forced to live as she does, as they will no longer be allowed to play laser tag, shoot Airsoft guns, or even participate in archery clubs at school, as all of these programs can lead to “violence,” in Rosenthal’s view.

Rosenthal claims the legislation is necessary in the wake of the alleged Parkland shooter’s involvement in the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, or JROTC, which uses firearms as part of its training. Because Nikolas Cruz had been involved with the JROTC prior to supposedly shooting up his high school in Florida, Rosenthal stupidly thinks that no student anywhere in New York should be allowed to handle guns, or things that look like or remind her of guns, at school. “Schools should not be supporting the spread of gun culture in society,” the Jewish congresswoman is quoted as saying. “If parents want their children to have shooting instruction, there are opportunities that have nothing to do with the school.”

     Gentlemen, I know that there are ladies present here, and I do not want anyone fainting so that bath salts (not the drug), will have to be used to revive them, but… where do you think the ban on all “projectile” objects will lead? Can you guess? Yes, good guess. Soon men will know how sheep really feel if they continue to live as sheeple. Baaaaa!

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