The turning point in the elimination of freedoms was clearly the 2020 Covid plandemic, and if there is a future, historians will write about this crazed period with incredibility.

“Social media giant Facebook has announced that it will soon be labeling all posts discussing coronavirus vaccinations with links to official information about COVID-19 from organizations like the World Health Organization.

TechCrunch reports that Facebook has announced plans to labels all posts discussing the coronavirus vaccination with links to official info about the virus. In a blog post the company stated:

We’ve already connected over 2 billion people to authoritative COVID-19 information, and today as access to COVID-19 vaccines expands, we’re going even further and aiming to help bring 50 million people one step closer to getting vaccinated.

To do this, we’re helping people learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and find out when and where they can get one through our apps. Some of the ways we are doing this:

By working closely with national and global health authorities and using our scale to reach people quickly, we’re doing our part to help people get credible information, get vaccinated and come back together safely.

Facebook will also reportedly be implementing some “temporary” measures aimed at limiting the spread of misinformation related to the vaccine, stating that it’s reducing the distribution of content from users that it claims violate the site’s policies on COVID-19 and vaccine information.

Facebook will also be reducing the distribution of any COVID-19 or vaccine content that fact-checking partners have rated as “Missing Context.”

Facebook also plans to “further elevate information from authoritative sources when people seek information about COVID-19 or vaccines.”

I detest Facebook; even mention of  the word gives me dysentery, pardon the French.