By CR on Thursday, 04 July 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Everybody’s A Going to Get Banned By Chris Knight

     With Google striving to make show that President Trump loses the 2020 election, we now have news that because of threats of “violence,” Trump supporter at Reddit r/The _Donald, have been “quarantined,” which is what occurs before banning. The site is thus proclaimed to be of  darkest evil and one needs to click to go on, which apparently does not occur for people accessing adult sites, and even the gore celebration sites, full of mutilated bodies:

“Community Quarantined
This community is quarantined:
It is restricted due to significant issues with reporting and addressing violations of the Reddit Content Policy. Most recently the violations have included threats of violence against police and public officials.  As a visitor or member, you can help moderators maintain the community by reporting and downvoting rule-breaking content. Click to return home.”

     Here is the mainstream media take on this:

     Most of the internet mainstream media sites now have a block after three hits to their site, which is great because only the subscribers get brainwashed, and we don’t have to deal with deprogramming their bs. But, for real news, let’s go back to the good folk at r/The_Donald/:

“Hosted by
MAGA2 hours ago

Rule 1 Violence and What it Means: Help us help you.

As everyone knows by now, we were quarantined without warning for some users that were upset about the Oregon Governor sending cops to round up Republican lawmakers to come back to vote on bills before their state chambers. None of these comments that violated Reddit's rules and our Rule 1 were ever reported to us moderators to take action on. Those comments were reported on by an arm of the DNC and picked up by multiple news outlets. This may come as a shock to many of you here as we have been very pro law enforcement as long as I can remember, and that is early on in r/The_Donald's history. We have many members that are law enforcement that come to our wonderful place and interact because they feel welcome here. Many are fans of President Trump and we are fans of them. They put their lives on the line daily for the safety of our communities. To have this as a reason for our quarantine is abhorrent on our users’ part and w…”

     After that the comment simply fades into nothing, blurred out, but the pattern is easy to see, that following the Google crisis, Big Tech-Brother is gearing up to destroy Trump, who has done nothing, as the lead up to the 2020 election. This is far beyond what the Democrats claimed Trump did with receiving Russia’s gift of exposing Hillary’s dark deeds. You see, the dark deeds are fine as long as the globalist Left do them; the sin is exposing them!

     I think that oppressive Big Tech has made another tactical mistake exposing its agenda so openly. If Trump is destroyed do they really think that their opponents whom they now ban for threats of violence will not see this as a reason to make their mad dreams a reality? Not smart, as the Donald would say, if he was given permission to speak by his commanding officer, emperor Jared. Anyway, the page r/The_Donald/, contains numerous discussions claiming that the violence comments were planted, and that this is a set up. That line could be correct as well, but the point remains that Big Tech is pursuing a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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