Now the FBI has gone after the pillow fellow, Mike Lindell, seizing his phone. Again, it is all part of a politically weaponised police force being used to target individuals the present tyrannical regime deems problematic. In reply, today, good old Mike is suing the FBI. Apparently like most people, he has everything on his phone. This is putting all of one’s eggs in the same basket, and is not a sensible strategy in a time of war. Maybe keep passwords on something else that the creeps can not access. Money and valuables used to be buried in river banks, hence the name “banks.”

“Mike Lindell went on a hunting trip with a friend.  While they were on the road, the FBI tracked Lindell, surrounded his car, and presented him with a warrant telling him he had to turn over his phone.  What's important is that this wasn't about January 6.  Instead, the DOJ and FBI went after Mike Lindell's phone in connection with Tina Peters, the Mesa County (Colorado) clerk and recorder who is being charged with security breaches relating to election equipment.

Lindell appeared on "Lindell TV," his streaming service, yesterday evening to announce what had happened.  He explained that he'd gotten up early to go with a friend on a hunting trip in Minnesota, where he lives.  On his return, when he and his friend were at a Hardees, they found their car surrounded by other cars — either criminals or the FBI, Lindell told his friend.  It was the FBI.

Eventually, the FBI produced a warrant telling Lindell to turn over his phone.  This was a blow to Lindell because, he says, it's his sole computer.  He uses it for everything from his business to controlling his hearing aids.  Because of the warrant, though, he had the Hobson's choice of relinquishing the phone or being arrested.

What we're seeing here is a major shift away from January 6.  To the extent that people did trespass and "parade" in the Capitol (although there's reason to believe that many were entrapped into entering the property), the DOJ and FBI had at least some colorable criminal cases.  That the DOJ didn't feel compelled to make the same cases against the BLM and Antifa activists who attacked federal property across America in 2020 was something we were all supposed to ignore.

Now, however, the (In)Justice Department is branching out by going after anyone who has challenged the November 2020 election results.  Again, we're supposed to forget the events subsequent to 2016's election.  Then, America saw four years of "The Resistance" and "He's not my president" and "Russia, Russia, Russia" and "The election outcome was fraudulent."  Just because it can't be played often enough, here are 12 minutes of Democrats (including Biden himself) denying election results:

The DOJ's message is clear: it's legitimate when Democrats do it; it's insurrection, treason, and sedition when Republicans do it.  The equal application of law in America is vanishing.

In Lindell's case, he's apparently being investigated because of charges against Tina Peters.  Peters is accused of helping people copy voting machine hard drives.  This information ended up being shared with people who believe there was substantial fraud in the 2020 election.”