California is on the front line of the cultural degeneracy bringing down the West. If it can be done, California will do it, providing it smashes traditional Western society:
“A new Californian bill allows an individual to aid, advise, and encourage a person to commit suicide - and sign off on the method of suicide-while financially benefiting from the person’s death. FamilyVoice WA Director Darryl Budge is deeply concerned by this new depth to the slippery slope. "Introducing legal coercion to direct financial beneficiaries of a person's lawful killing would explode the cases of elder abuse, where murder, not just financial exploitation, will be the common result." "Family members who "encourage" the terminally ill into killing themselves will be granted full legal immunity, regardless of their motives for doing so. The patient would have to explicitly state in their will that any family member who encourages assisted suicide are to receive nothing," The Daily Wire reported. Yesterday an Australian man who stood to gain $1.4 million in life insurance was convicted of aiding his wife's suicide. Cases like this would be legal in California if this bill passes.”
It is inconceivable to suppose that the bill will not pass. Hence, parents are fair game to be basically knocked off. I suppose this is just the sort of thing to expect as a society goes into free fall.