Gay, Jewish and Alt Right, and totally over-the-top- politically incorrect and inflammatory, Milo Yiannopoulos is in Australia, stirring up the local Leftoids:

     The antifa protestors were chanting Racist! Racist! Nazi! Blah, Blah, and abused police, and began to fight:

     Police used pepper spray on them. I doubt though that adding pepper to them would make them “taste” any better! Oh, somebody just told me that it is not a form of seasoning, but a riot weapon. My, how primitive!

     All in all, everybody had a great time, with the Left chattering class being able to frill their necks and proudly proclaim their moral superiority. The young antifa got a good workout, and were able to practice chanting, ready for future political careers, when they take over the system.

     Milo had a battle with one Muslim figure, whom he intellectually destroyed:

     For a moment, I actually felt a little sorry for the lass, but then I corrected myself and listened to Milo’s logic.
     We all enjoyed Milo’s visit, more than Paul McCartney, and wish to see him again. Every time I have a glass of Milo and hot milk, I will think of how he made our chattering class look like gooses.