Why should we still be interested in the Covid issue, for hasn’t things moved on, and there is nothing more to worry about? If one has been vaxxed and are still not suffering from any adverse effects, why care?


Well, leading Covid medical critic Dr Peter McCullough has a different point of view. He would dispute the claim that the Covid dangers are over. The mRNA spike protein is pathologic, and it is unknown for how long it remains in the body, if it leaves it at all. The spike proteins have been found to migrate to all organs and cross blood-brain and blood-placenta barriers. There is evidence that reverse transcription of mRNA into a DNA copy is possible. If germline cells incorporate the DNA copy into the host genome, there may be intergenerational transmission, affecting the next generation. That is, future children. That should be important.


As said, the long-term effects of the mRNA spike proteins within the human body is not known; this was an experiment conducted upon the entire human race, and we are still in the short-term.


“People commonly ask me for “comprehensive” publications on vaccine side effects. It is fair to point out that the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein is contained in the virus and it is uncontrollably produced by the mRNA and adenoviral DNA COVID-19 vaccines. Because the vaccines failed to stop COVID-19, most vaccinated persons have had the illness, thereby having multiple Spike protein exposures.

Parry, et al, published a comprehensive review on the litany of Spike-protein diseases that occur after its widespread distribution in the body. Here are some of their evidence based teaching points:

“The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has revealed deficiencies in public health and medicines regulatory agencies. A root cause analysis is needed for what now appears a rushed response to an alarming infectious disease pandemic. Treatment modalities for ‘spikeopathy’-related pathology in many organ systems, require urgent research and provision to millions of sufferers of long-term COVID-19 vaccine injuries. We also advocate for the suspension of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines and lipid-nanoparticle carrier matrices, and other vaccines based on mRNA or viral-vector DNA technology. A safer course is to use vaccines with well-tested recombinant protein, attenuated or inactivated virus technologies, of which there are now many for vaccinating against SARS-CoV-2.”

