By CR on Saturday, 06 October 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Divorce Rates Fall because Marriage is Dead By Mrs Vera West

     Conservatives were at first overjoyed; divorce rates had fallen. But, then they read the fine print; it was all due to the decline of marriage in the first place:

“In the past 10 years, the percentage of American marriages that end in divorce has fallen, and in a new paper, the University of Maryland sociologist Philip Cohen quantified the drop-off: Between 2008 and 2016, the divorce rate declined by 18 percent overall. After accounting for the rising average age of married Americans and other demographic shifts during that time, Cohen found “a less steep decline—8 percent—but the pattern is the same.” That is, the divorce rate in 2016 was still lower than one would have predicted if the demographics of married people were the same then as in 2008. When I asked Andrew Cherlin, a sociology professor at Johns Hopkins University, how to make sense of this trend, he opened his explanation with something of a koan: “In order to get divorced,” he said, “you have to get married first.”

Marriage has become a trophy. The point he was making was that people with college degrees are now more likely to get married than those who have no more than a high-school education. And the key to understanding the declining divorce rate, Cherlin says, is that it is “going down some for everybody,” but “the decline has been steepest for the college graduates.”

     So, it is the same old story, and given what we face, we should not expect any good news soon from a culture in free fall. The assault upon marriage was a big part of the feminist agenda, which linked up with the Euro-white genocide agenda, of lowering birth-rates. It is unreasonable to expect that these factors would just disappear, when there has been an active conspiracy at foot, parasitic academic careers created by otherwise sub-standard academics following these fields, and all the trimmings: 

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