The elites, such as Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau have proclaimed that the freedom trucker convoy is a form of terrorism, as it threatens the economy! This sentiment comes from a variety of people and is made not only in Canada, but in Paris, Canberra, and New Zealand. Ironically this argument is made by a New Class which instigated Covid mandate lockdowns that wrecked economies, bankrupted small businesses, while making record profits for big business, and led to a rise in suicides and deaths from untreated diseases. Clearly those who did all of this are just getting a small taste of their own bad medicine.


“One of the busiest international borders, carrying approximately $3.2 million in trade per day, is still partially shut down by the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy as the brave truckers continue their fight for freedom from COVID restrictions and mandates.

Michigan’s unpopular Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is now reaching her iron fist across the US border into Canada as she attempts to force her will on the peaceful Canadian truckers and their supporters.

The woman who intentionally placed COVID-positive patients into nursing homes and assisted living centers with some of the most vulnerable citizens in her state while destroying the livelihoods of millions of Michigan, including tens of thousands of business owners with her draconian, unscientific lockdowns, is now telling Canadian officials how to deal with peaceful protesters who are simply demanding freedom from COVID mandates and restrictions in Canada.

For over two years, Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer allowed the economy in Michigan to be destroyed as a result of her draconian lockdowns.

Michigan is currently #6 in the nation for citizens fleeing the state for a better life. And now, only nine months out from the 2022 midterm elections, when Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer will likely be replaced by one of several competent Republican gubernatorial candidates, Whitmer has suddenly taken a keen interest in Michigan’s economy.

Moments ago, the lockdown queen issued a statement to Canada’s local, provincial, and national government officials, demanding they deal with the protesters. “My message is simple,” she says. “Reopen the traffic on the bridge.”

Trending: LOL! Outdoor Mask Wearing Liberals March In Protest of “Truckers For Freedom”…Their ANGRY Signs Tell You All You Need To Know About Them [VIDEO]

Of course, anyone who’s been watching the brilliant plan by truckers to restore their freedoms as one province after another caves and removes COVID restrictions and mandates can see that Whitmer’s demand is as ridiculous as her “fix the damn roads” exclamation.

Whitmer’s demands will likely get a similar response to requests made of truckers and their supporters by Canadian officials and law enforcement to shut it down…


For the fourth day, the Ambassador Bridge continues to be barricaded by Canadian truckers, blocking off traffic from Detroit into Windsor, Ontario.”