The cyber/IT systems that have become the lifeblood of modern capitalism are more vulnerable that most people, and professionals, think:

“U.S. infrastructure is in “a pre-9/11 moment” when it comes to cybersecurity and time is running short to shore up its cyber defenses, an industry advisory committee warned Tuesday.
If government and industry don’t dramatically boost their efforts to protect critical infrastructure, such as the financial system or electric grids, they risk missing a “narrow and fleeting window of opportunity before a watershed, 9/11-level cyberattack,” according to a report approved by the Homeland Security Department’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council.”

     I bet that gave all the computer geek types a few seconds of concern. No? Here is the report referenced above, just in case you feel that you are getting to much sleep, for Australia, and the rest of the West, are just as vulnerable:

“Today’s cyber attacks are increasingly dangerous and targeted, designed by advanced actors to damage or disrupt critical U.S. infrastructure that deliver vital services—particularly electricity and financial services. Attackers can inflict damage on physical infrastructure by infiltrating the digital systems that control physical processes, damaging specialized equipment and disrupting vital services without a physical attack. As a nation-state cyber attack on U.S. infrastructure places private companies on the front line, this presents a national security challenge unlike any other. It is imperative that Federal and private roles in defending these systems are aligned and mutually supportive.”

     Then, as usual, there are all the recommendations, to make things just peachy-cream again so business can be as usual. But, these warnings have been made for years, and recent cyber-attacks across the world have shown that nothing much has been done, because the capitalists like to run everything on the cheap:
     Which is your favourite doomsday scenario? I’m still deciding.

     This is all going to be too bad for them, and an increasingly cucked population, at the mercy of “the machine”: