By CR on Saturday, 20 October 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Cucks and NPCs By Chris Knight

     Before today, I had not even heard of NPC, until I read that the twit Twitter had banned them. Nowadays, suppression is going so fast that they’re banning things we don’t even know exist:

“NPC means “nonplayable character” or “nonplayer character.” It’s a term, borrowed from the world of video games, for a character that is controlled by the computer rather than by a player. An NPC often advances the game’s plot by saying scripted lines, or assisting the playable characters in some way.”

     What is being done as a trolling exercise by Alt Right folk, is to say that liberals are NPC, basically morons who play the same role as a nonplayer in a computer game. They are represented not by a green frog, now legally protected, but by a crudely drawn grey man. Overall, I cannot see anything wrong here since this is no more than a statement of an obvious truth. Banning the meme merely showed that libtards were hurting. Here is a nice article on cucks, yet another part in the jigsaw puzzle of horror:

“At least ninety percent of the “Right-wing” politicians who have been active in recent decades can be counted among the cucks. What did these politicians do when the Left took over the institutions, and the borders opened wide? What did “Christian” politicians do when gay marriage and gay adoption were introduced? The answer is nothing. In the worst case, they even worked toward it. The meaning of the term cuck may be clear: a cuck betrays his principles, people, and land for money. A cuck is afraid to be called a racist, and therefore collaborates with the Left. Cucks have no backbone and bend at the least resistance. Cucks are often even bigger traitors than Leftist politicians, who merely act in accordance with their stated ideals. The cuck, on the other hand, claims to be on the Right, but acts on the Left. A good example of this is our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stef Blok. Blok recently came under fire after footage leaked out in which he criticized multicultural societies. Various Right-wing media praised the People’s Party for The Netherlands (VVD) for his statements, but that was a big mistake. If Blok actually stood by his statements, then why on earth is he in a party like the VVD? The answer is simple: money. For this he is prepared to sell his principles, people, and land.

The blocking of Blok did not stop there, however. After a refined smear campaign from the Left-wing media and various parties in the House of Representatives, this VVD member felt the pressure increase. And then he made his biggest mistake: he apologized. Like the good cuck that he is, he bowed to the Left’s will, hoping for forgiveness. What cucks will never understand – after all, they are not men – is that apologizing never works. Yes, it might be hard to keep your back straight in such situations, but it will benefit your reputation and integrity in the long run. From the moment that Blok showed only this one sign of weakness, the Left knew he was a sitting duck. When he retracted his statements, he not only suffered a crushing defeat, but also conceded moral legitimacy to the Left, showing that as a politician, you should not criticize multicultural societies. Unfortunately, even more promising politicians also exhibit such problems. In March, messages that had been written by a candidate for the Amsterdam city council from the Forum for Democracy (FvD) party, Yernaz Ramataursing, in a private Whatsapp group were leaked. In the messages, Ramataursing asked critical questions about homosexuals and race and IQ.

Many politicians on both the Left and the Right referred to the messages as “shocking,” and he withdrew his candidacy. Although this statements were perfectly defensible from a scientific viewpoint, he bent to the Left’s conception of morality. Last week, it was the same situation all over again. The media discovered that Dries van Langenhove, the chairman of the Flemish metapolitical movement Schild & Vrienden, had participated in the FvD’s summer school. Leftist journalists infiltrated the closed communication channels of Schild & Vrienden and discovered many “shocking” memes. Thierry Baudet, fearing guilt by association, distanced himself from Van Langenhove, and promised to improve the summer school’s screening process. Bending, apologizing, and making concessions – or cucken – is nothing but succumbing to Red terror. Although there have certainly been some positive developments as well, this form of Marxist intimidation is still very effective. In this way, the Left has been able to dominate the public debate since the ’60s.”

     This is quite applicable to Australia, where the majority of our politicians are cucks as well. Pauline Hanson is more “manly” than most of them, no offence intended, rather it is a compliment.

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