The excitement is being felt by the power elites, that a Covid vaccine is coming which will enable globalism to return to its former destructive self. But, for now, we have the Covid cult:

“Dozens of self-identified Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine volunteers joined a private Facebook group originally dedicated to discussing Moderna investments this year to dish about their experiences. I obtained screenshots that showed volunteers discussing antibody test results they got on their own from commercial labs while the trials are still ongoing. They are trading information on how to get antibody tests, sharing their symptoms and plotting how to drop out of their trials and enroll in new ones if they suspect they didn't get the vaccine.

Among the clinical trial volunteers' gossipy disclosures, many of which threaten the integrity of the blinding procedure in the still-ongoing trials:

On Twitter, Icahn School of Medicine microbiology professor and clinical trial volunteer Benjamin tenOever boasted that he had "two adverse-free shots and 'sky high' antibody levels after four weeks." He said he paid for the antibody test from a commercial lab facility, presumably not part of the still-ongoing clinical trial. He gloated: "The future is bright. Thank you @Pfizer." Swedish infectious disease physician and European medicines regulator Rebecca Chandler responded bluntly:

"This is ethically concerning."

Indeed. The science on COVID-19 testing and vaccine trials is not "settled." It's unsettling in the extreme.”

Question: are the needles rammed straight into their brains, or is there no need for this?