So, how are things going in Oz, with all the vaxxes now plunged into the vast majority of deltoid muscles? Are those mRNA spike proteins doing their thing? I guess it depends upon how you look at it. While 96 percent of the population has had two mRNA jabs, and over 70 percent are fully boosted, Covid deaths are exploding, so to speak. No, people are not literally exploding yet, but anything is possible. Remember what the political class said when beginning the vaccine roll-out, that if you get vaxxed you will not get Covid, let alone die from it. Yet at this time Joe Biden, fully-vaxxed has Covid. If there was any reason still left in this society, the mainstream should be asking: have we made ourselves ticking bio-time bombs. Oh, censor that thought, it interferes with the comfort zone!

“The latest figures are in, and things are not looking good for “fully vaccinated” Australia.

Even though more than 96 percent of the native population there took the first two mRNA (messenger RNA) jabs for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and more than 70 percent are fully “boosted,” Chinese Virus deaths throughout the country have reached a record high.

The following data chart clearly shows that ever since the launch of Operation Warp Speed, injection-related deaths Down Under have been soaring. As of this writing, a peak has formed to suggest that with the passage of time, the fully injected are dropping dead at an ever-increasing rate. …

In fact, there were almost no covid-related deaths at all in Australia prior to the launch of the “vaccines.” There was a small peak in the fall of 2020 followed by a precipitous drop back to baselines levels, followed by a massive peak once people started getting injected.

Interestingly, the booster shot campaign was followed by another massive spike and peak, which will more than likely be followed by continued increases in the death count as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and other jab-induced health conditions take their toll.

“We were warned, but only intelligent people listened,” wrote a commenter in response to the news. “Antibody-dependent enhancement is happening, it is real, and it destroys the immune system.”

“No one mistreated their citizens more than Australia during the crisis,” added another. “The people that did that should be in jail.”

This is now a plandemic of the fully vaccinated.

New South Wales (NSW) is reportedly seeing the most new “cases” of the Wuhan Flu, followed by Queensland and Victoria.

Each of these areas, as you may recall, imposed heavy restrictions throughout the plandemic – restrictions that area residents were told would put an end to the virus.

“Quarantine” concentration camps were set up; people were forced to mask everywhere they went; and public movement was restricted – but to no avail. The Chinese Virus is here to stay, thanks to the injections.

The media would have us all believe that people are “catching” and “re-catching” covid over and over again, but the reality is that what we are now seeing is a plandemic of the fully vaccinated whose immune systems are shot.

“They’re exhibiting symptoms of poisoning,” wrote another commenter about what the fully jabbed are experiencing, which is not “covid.” “Coughing and fever are mild symptoms. Neurological damage, spasms, and paralysis are serious symptoms, not unlike what happens to a cockroach that is sprayed with RAID.”

“Clots are a sign of internal bleeding. Severe clotting leads to amputation and heart attacks. The most severe symptom? Death.”

Another pointed out that nobody who is unvaccinated is experiencing any of this, which further proves that what sick people are suffering from is vaccine damage, not covid infection.

“Fake immunity designed to kill you never beats natural immunity,” wrote someone else about how the so-called vaccines do not in any way produce real or lasting immunity, but instead provoke vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS).

“The unvaxxed are not getting sick not because they have natural immunity to a non-existent pathogen, but because they haven’t been poisoned,” added someone else. “The mRNA drug causes epithelial cells to manufacture the toxic spike protein 24/7, 365. There’s no off switch.””

Some critics see processes like this as the “culling of humanity.” Given the percentage of the vaccinated, if this is true, we face an apocalypse equal to any Hollywood horror show:


“The culling of humanity is about to accelerate, taking many children and young adults, as the doctors, politicians and preachers remain silent.

It’s been a while since I’ve reported on the shocking numbers in the government’s VAERS reporting system and some of the heartbreaking stories contained there, such as the recent death of a 9-year-old California girl two weeks after she was jabbed.

The girl received one dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s injection. She had no preexisting conditions and was not hospitalized.

She experienced two to three days of “stomach ache, sore throat and chest pain; two weeks after receiving the vaccination,” the database states.

VAERS data from December 14, 2020, to July 22, 2022, shows 12,232 adverse events in 5- to 11-year-olds, including 313 “serious” cases and nine deaths.

The database also lists 24 cases of heart inflammation47 cases of blood clotting disorders, and 101 reports of seizures in the same age group.

Readers of this website know that VAERS doesn’t begin to tell the whole story. The deaths and disabling injuries listed there only represent 1 percent of the actual numbers due to the propensity of doctors to not report most of the devastation they see being caused by their partners in Big Pharma.

Taken together from nations around the world, these deaths by injection will add up to a genocide of untold magnitude, a mass culling that fulfills the purposes of a Malthusian clan of globalist elites.

How can this be happening, you ask. And who are these “elites?”

Many of these so-called elites are also Luciferian but plenty of others are just plain greedy. Still others remain silent and go along out of self-preservation. They don’t want to risk being cancelled and jeopardize their comfortable lifestyles.

Thanks to the consolidation in the healthcare industry that was accelerated by Obamacare, most doctors today are just employees. They work for a paycheck. That means they’re easily controlled.

And what about the politicians? Won’t the Republicans change this when they take over in January?

That’s unlikely.

The genocide we see playing out in real time is so evil that I find it difficult to comprehend how anyone in politics is able to talk about any other issue.

I typed “died days after receiving jab Pfizer Moderna” into my search engine and I turned up pages of articles about people dying, usually days or weeks after they had been jabbed.

Soaring inflation, as painful as it is, represents nothing compared to the pain and confusion so many must be feeling when their mother, father, spouse, sibling, friend, or their 9-year-old son or daughter dies “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” days or weeks after being jabbed. They’re healthy one day, gone the next.

And yet, it’s the forbidden subject. No politician, no matter how conservative or liberal, really wants to talk about it.

Their silence plays into the hands of the globalists who are behind this dark depopulation scheme.

Remember what Jesus said about these evildoers:

“It is better for him if a millstone is hung around his neck and he is thrown into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to sin.”

They hate children because they hate humanity. And most of all they hate the Creator of humanity.

Historically, these elites always hated humanity, but they had to put up with us because they needed us to operate their factories, fight their wars, clean their mansions, harvest their food, make sure the trains run on time.

With the advances in gene editing, artificial intelligence and computer algorithms, they now have robots who can do all of the above tasks, often better and more reliably than we human beings. The crops that used to be picked in the fields can now be grown in a laboratory through CRISPR gene editing.