CCP tyrants have once more locked up millions of people, to be a show of force by Xi as he becomes divine emperor, or whatever. What other explanation could there be, since the last lockdown totally failed to produce zero Covid? Sure, it causes supply issues for the West, but we are getting used to our standard of living vaporising, so that at the end of the day, it is not as important as it once was.


China extends Covid lockdowns for tens of millions in Chengdu and Shenzhen

Financial Times, Sept 5, 2022

Restrictions spark panic buying over worries that measures could remain for weeks or longer

Chinese authorities have extended Covid-19 lockdowns of Chengdu and Shenzhen, backtracking on promises of freedom for tens of millions of people in the southern megacities following mass testing campaigns. At least 68 cities are in partial or full lockdown, according to data from the country’s National Health Commission, fuelling anxieties that restrictions initially planned for days could extend into weeks or longer as occurred in Shanghai this year. Authorities in Shenzhen, China’s manufacturing and technology hub, said on Monday that restrictions would continue for three days in parts of the city where cases had been reported after a weekend lockdown of some of its 17.5mn residents. On Sunday, the city reported 71 new coronavirus cases. “The city’s Covid situation is severe and complex. The number of new infections remains relatively high and community transmission risk still exists,” warned Lin Hancheng, a local official.”