American Military has reported on the comments by Japan’s number two defence official, that there could be a Pearl Harbor type of attack by China and Russia, to set off world War III. I have tended to the view that Russia under Vlad the Impaler would sit back and let America and China destroy each other, but, you never know. Japan is trembling because once Taiwan is taken down, which is generally accepted as a certainty under the Beijing Biden CCP friendly regime, Japan will be next, and already the CCP through its mouthpiece media outlets has threated to nuke bomb Japan into the stone age, if not oblivion, if it defends Taiwan. I would not be surprised if the Japanese, clever people that they are, have got their own nuclear bombs, developed underground in a secret facility. They look like they will need them. If only Australia did the same, but then, we are cucks. If one disagrees, tell me how we will deal with china with a crumbling US, except outright surrender? I imagine our elites will do just that, drawing the new “Brisbane line” somewhere down Antarctica!

“On Wednesday, Japan’s number two defense official said China and Russia are showing increased signs of military cooperation and their activities in the Pacific could show signs they plan to launch a Pearl Harbor-style attack on the U.S., similar to how Japan did on Dec. 7, 1941, propelling the U.S. into World War II.

Speaking at a Hudson Institute event, Japanese State Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama said, “Seventy years ago, we attacked Pearl Harbor, but now the U.S. and Japan [are] very good allies, one of the best allies all over the world.” Nakayama went on to say now Russian naval forces “are really exercising just right in front of the western part of Honolulu, and so I don’t want to remind the 70 years ago, but we have to be careful of the exercising of the Russians.”

Japan’s State Defense Minister is the direct deputy to its Defense Minister, Japan’s top defense official

In recent days, Russia’s fleet has conducted various naval drills near Hawaii, including practicing sinking an aircraft carrier. Some Russian ships have been reported operating within 35 nautical miles of Hawaii’s coastline. Amidst the nearby Russian naval drills, the U.S. Navy repositioned Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 1 in the Hawaiian Islands Operating Area.”