“Dear …

I am often contacted by people from across Australia who are concerned about the material that children are exposed to in schools.

Recently I was told how a South Australian public school had introduced a woke social credit system which rewarded students for “Apologising and correcting themselves or someone else for using incorrect pronouns… Challenging racial, sexist, or homophobic language or actions… [whatever that means],” and “Authentically using an Acknowledgement of Country before presentation in class.” This is not education but indoctrination into leftist activism.

Other parents have expressed their dismay over the sexualised LGBT agenda being forced onto children in schools, particularly through sex education programs. They have good reason to be concerned. A policy document from the South Australian department of education reveals that if a student expresses a desire to “gender transition,” school employees are to assist the student with this, even if doing so goes against the parents’ wishes. The document states:

When parents make it clear they do not support their child’s gender affirmation, the site leader must decide what is in the best interests of the child or young person… There will be some situations where it is not possible to reach agreement between the child and their parents about their gender affirmation. If the site leader determines that supporting gender affirmation is in a child or young person’s best interest, this procedure must be followed to make support arrangements for them.

What gives this “site leader” the right to override parental authority? It has become clear that sending one’s child to a public school may turn out to be an extremely damaging decision. Public schooling in South Australia appears determined to socially condition children into leftist ideology rather than teach them to master reading, writing, and arithmetic. Sadly, parents are also lamenting that many private schools are not much better.

Enough is enough. It’s time to expose these insidious woke practices and sound the alarm so that more parents are aware of what is taking place within school walls. I am calling on South Australian parents, teachers, department of education employees, students, or anyone who encounters such practices to contact my office with concrete examples if possible.

For example, you may have worksheets coaching students into progressive perspectives on sexuality or Australian history, library books about transgenderism or Critical Race Theory, examples of woke exercises that students are required to perform such as the “acknowledgment of country,” and so on.

If you are in South Australia and have access to such material and would like somebody to blow the whistle on it in the federal parliament, send it to me via my private campaign email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will expose the woke indoctrination taking place in South Australian schools.

By telling me first-hand about the indoctrination happening in our schools I can bring this issue to the nation’s attention. I suspect that the South Australian Department of Education would prefer parents not to know the extent to which progressive ideology has captured our schools. Parents do not send their children to school to have them transformed into socialist revolutionaries or to be placed on puberty blocking drugs, they send them to school because they want their children to be educated and well equipped for life in the real world.

At this stage, this campaign relates only to South Australian schools. They may be public or private schools. Let’s expose these subversive practices and build the movement of parents fighting back for their children’s wellbeing and for their own rights as parents.

Blow the whistle today:

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Note: Please do not forward any graphic, offensive or illegal material. In the event that you become aware of such material, please contact South Australia Police.

Your sincerely,


Alex Antic
Liberal Senator for South Australia