Things must be getting really, really bad, when one of the leading 1 percenters, starts saying some of the things we say.
In an interview published July 2 in the German paper Welt Am Sonntag, Gates said about the ongoing European migration crisis:
“On the one hand you want to demonstrate generosity and take in refugees. But the more generous you are, the more word gets around about this – which in turn motivates more people to leave Africa. Germany cannot possibly take in the huge number of people who are wanting to make their way to Europe.”
     This is the basic ‘tragedy of the commons” applied to immigration:

     This will be even more so, now that millions of Africans are on the ready to migrate to Europe, given the success of the “Arab invasion” (as Pope Francis joyfully calls it:,  of  Middle Easterners:;;
     Most Europeans oppose mass migration (, but for their traitorous elites, immigration is like mother’s milk. Some believe that this conflict cannot but explode into civil wars more violent than any yet seen in human history:
Time, which is fast running out, will tell.