Bill Gates has four private jets, and he is well known to use them flying around the world telling the ordinary punters like you and me that we have to reduce our carbon emissions to save the planet, whatever that means. Gates flew over 213,000 miles on 59 private jet flights in 2017 alone, and this emitted an estimated 1,760 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. He was challenged quite passively in an interview about how he justified this and said, that since he is saving the planet, and putting up money through his Breakthrough Energy Group, he needs to be cut some slack.

But, it is doubtful from an environmentalist position that Gates is really offsetting the amount of pollution he is producing. For example, he said: “Should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?” I would say that any information he needed could be obtained by local people and fed to him via the internet, with a vastly reduced carbon footprint. No, he is a jet plane travel junkie.

It is not that I care about carbon emissions; the more the merrier, as I believe that global warming (not global COOLING) is a big puff of hot air. Still, the hypocrisy of the likes of Gates is worth exposing.

As for my belief that we are facing a new ice age, and need to burn massive quantities of fossil fuels for civilisation to survive:

“In a cringe inducing interview with a BBC reporter, Bill Gates argued that it’s perfectly fine for him to fly around the world on private jets because he’s doing much more than anyone else to combat climate change.

Gates claimed that because he continues to “spend billions of dollars” on climate change activism, his carbon footprint isn’t an issue.

“Should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?” Gates said in the interview with Amol Rajan.

“I’m comfortable with the idea that not only am I not part of the problem by paying for the offsets, but also through the billions that my Breakthrough Energy Group is spending, that I’m part of the solution,” Gates added.

Most recently, Gates flew around Australia on board his $70 million dollar luxury private jet lecturing people about climate change.

Bill Gates Flies Around Australia on $70 Million Dollar Private Jet Lecturing People About Climate Change

Gates, who has declared that the energy crisis is a good thing, owns no fewer than FOUR private jets at a combined cost of $194 million dollars.

study carried out by Linnaeus University economics professor Stefan Gössling found that Gates flew more than 213,000 miles on 59 private jet flights in 2017 alone.

Gates emitted an estimated 1,760 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, over a hundred times more than the emissions per capita in the United States, according to data from the World Bank.

Elsewhere during the carefully constructed interview, Gates said he was surprised that he was targeted by ‘conspiracy theorists’ for pushing vaccines during the pandemic.”