Opposition leader Peter Dutton looks like caving in on reducing immigration, as the Liberals are very much the party of big business and in the end do what the corporate capitalists, not what the people want. https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/12/peter-dutton-pretends-to-want-to-cut-immigration/

Thus, bring in millions, if not billions of migrants and put them in 50, 100, 1,000 – the sky is the limit -story high towers? Sure, for a Liberal, why not? Not as absurd, but along such lines:


As for Labor, according to Housing Minister Clare O'Neil, housing prices must be kept high:


What is the goal here in terms of these policies? Is it to bring down house prices?

Clare O'Neil:

We want to bring house price growth into something sustainable. So we are not trying to bring down house prices.

But we don't want to see some of the growth that we've seen in some parts of the country, where you are getting double-digit increases in house prices year-on-year.


Why don't you want to see house prices drop? Because if you're a young person looking at what's ahead of you, you definitely want to see house prices come down.

Clare O'Neil:

Well, that may be the view of young people. That's not the view of our government. We want to see sustainable price growth…


But minister, if house prices don't come down. Doesn't that this system is stacked against young people. And it is just not going to work for them?

Clare O'Neil:

Our government's policies are not going to reduce house prices and we want house prices to grow sustainably.


Thus, the Labor party wants housing prices to grow, and to hell with young people. Young peopleneed to remember those words come election time.

People want lower immigration:


but they are not going to get it via Labor and Liberal, the two sides of the globalist coin. A new anti-immigration movement and party is needed.