There was recently a report by Canada's intelligence services, yes, they have them, of two ethnic Chinese, Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng, scientists at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, who were fired over loyalty to Canada. That is something, as Canada is even more woke than Australia. The pair transferred the deadly Ebola and Henipah viruses to China's Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is famous for the likely lab leak that led to the Covid pandemic. Just imagine the gain-of-function research going on right now with these viruses that no doubt will escape from the lab in the future, killing us? The traitors apparently got $ 75 for this, most likely to cover expenses as they seem to be loyal to the communist regime:

"Further to our security assessment […], the Service assesses that Ms. Qiu developed deep, cooperative relationships with a variety of People's Republic of China (PRC) institutions and has intentionally transferred scientific knowledge and materials to China in order to benefit the PRC Government, and herself, without regard for the implications to her employer or to Canada's interests."

The question that is not being asked with Australia's Great Replacement through Asian immigration, is how many CCP agents have come in and are now in STEM and other research faculties, also transferring IP and security information? And what happens to society when sleeper cells, that have almost certainly been set up here and in the US, as the FBI chief has warned, with tens of thousands of military age men entering as illegals through the open southern border, awake and go into action? Just how secure is the Australian grid? Canada at least exposes some of its traitors, but here in Australia our spy chief has decided that we do not need to know who the traitor in parliament was.

"A cache of documents from Canada's top intelligence services reveals that Trudeau government virologists had a "clandestine relationship" with Chinese agents, the Counter Signal reports.

Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng - two scientists at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada were stripped of their security clearances and fired over questions about their loyalty to Canada, as well as the potential for coercion or exploitation by a foreign entity, according to more than 600 pages of documents made public Wednesday.

Highlights (via

  • Qiu and Cheng were escorted out of Winnipeg's National Microbiology Laboratory in July 2019 and subsequently fired in January 2021.
  • The pair transferred deadly Ebola and Henipah viruses to China's Wuhan Institute of Virology in March 2019.
  • The Canadian Security Intelligence Service assessed that Qiu repeatedly lied about the extent of her work with institutions of the Chinese government and refused to admit involvement in various Chinese programs, even when evidence was presented to her.
  • [D]espite being given every opportunity in her interviews to describe her association with Chinese entities, "Ms. Qiu continued to make blanket denials, feign ignorance or tell outright lies."
  • A November 2020 Public Health Agency of Canada report on Qiu says investigators "weighed the adverse information and are in agreement with the CSIS assessment."
  • A Public Health Agency report on Cheng's activities says he allowed restricted visitors to work in laboratories unescorted and on at least two occasions did not prevent the unauthorized removal of laboratory materials.
  • Cheng was not forthcoming about his activities and collaborations with people from government agencies "of another country, namely members of the People's Republic of China."

But wait, it goes much deeper than that... As The Counter Signal reports

Alongside selling deadly pathogens to Chinese authorities at the Wuhan Institute of Virology for just $75, Qui was also found to have hidden a Chinese bank account from CSIS.

"Further to our security assessment […], the Service assesses that Ms. Qiu developed deep, cooperative relationships with a variety of People's Republic of China (PRC) institutions and has intentionally transferred scientific knowledge and materials to China in order to benefit the PRC Government, and herself, without regard for the implications to her employer or to Canada's interests."