By CR on Friday, 09 November 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Assbook Censors, Big Time By Charles Taylor

     In the run up to the elections, Big Tech did what they could for the globalist team against Trump:

“Social media giant Facebook has blocked 115 accounts suspected of “coordinated inauthentic behavior” across both Facebook and Instagram ahead of the midterm elections. ABC News reports that ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, Facebook has blocked a number of accounts across both Facebook and Instagram. In a blog post the company stated: “On Sunday evening, U.S. law enforcement contacted us about online activity that they recently discovered and which they believe may be linked to foreign entities,” said Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy Nathaniel Gleicher. “We immediately blocked these accounts and are now investigating them in more detail.” The company reportedly blocked 30 accounts on Facebook and another 85 on Instagram. The blocked Facebook pages reportedly communicated mainly in French and Russian although the majority of accounts on Instagram were English-speaking. “Typically, we would be further along with our analysis before announcing anything publicly,” Gleicher said. “But given that we are only one day away from important elections in the U.S., we wanted to let people know about the action we’ve taken and the facts as we know them today.”

     Trump needs to do something about regulating these companies. He is super-big on private enterprise, but these entities are collectivistic to the core, and don’t play by the rules of the game as Adam Smith originally proposed. So, the sheriff in town needs to act, and act soon.

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