By CR on Monday, 12 August 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Antifa Goes to War, With the Blessings of the Deep State By Charles Taylor

     This all happened before the El Paso shooting, but may still be relevant, as Antifa are tooling up, ready for a siege, and all of the good times that flow from that:

“According to information circulating online, Antifa-aligned anarchists and activists are calling for a 10-day “siege” of El Paso, Texas, on the U.S.-Mexico border to conduct “militancy training” in preparation for “direct action” against — someone. Perhaps even Border Patrol or Customs and Border Protection personnel currently patrolling the border and staffing detention facilities filled with illegal aliens. At least, if the artwork accompanying a flyer announcing the event is any indication. As indy journalist Andy Ngo, who was recently criminally assaulted by Antifa supporters and members during a protest in Portland, Ore., posted on Twitter, the flyers feature images of ICE and Border Patrol agents being shot and killed with bows and arrows, as well as Molotov cocktails, while anarchists firebomb a border wall separating the U.S. and Mexico in order to allow illegals to stream in. “Antifa is leading a ‘Border Resistance’ militancy training tour that will converge on a 10-day siege in El Paso, TX. The promotional image shows border enforcement officers being killed & government property fired bombed. Organizers asking for ‘white comrades’ to pay for others,” Ngo wrote.”

     The event is apparently going to take place on September 1-10 2019, so who knows what will go down. Certainly, the Establishment will let it  happen as usual because this is just a training ground for their cosmopolitan kids, as occurred in the 1960s protests. Meanwhile, the Left continues to stir the multicult pot, with Twitter banning any one they don’t like while graphic images depicting the brutal murder of Trump are permitted. Trump supporters are beaten just for wearing MAGA caps.

     Talk about itching for it. How can this end other than in tragedy?

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