The New York terrorist attack is business as usual for the decline and fall of the West:

     As Trump noted, the terrorist, who was a lucky winner in the Green Card lottery, brought in another 23 people, as part of his chain migration. This diversity lottery is just another means of diluting America.  Better yet, in the absurdist stakes, the mosque where the mass murder had worshipped had been under police surveillance but this was dismantled on the grounds of anti-racism and political correctness:

     When an alleged Alt Righter, hits a protestor with his car, possibly fleeing attacks by antifa with baseball bats, that is a hate crime.  But, these attacks described above,  are never hate crimes; indeed the only hate involved here, according to the Establishment is people like President Trump, who raise objections to immigration, however mild.

     Things are now so crazy that perhaps absurdist satire is the only response left to a world of madness: