While I do not particularly like the following site, trad-news.com,  they do have good graphics/photos, that tell a story, better than words, usually. So, it is worth a look to see the level of craziness that the mainstream media embrace.

“Watching the coverage of the "Football Lads" march in London yesterday was like taking a crash course in North Korean propaganda. Unlike last week when they faced violent BLM protesters, the police this time kitted themselves out in helmets and riot gear, with truncheons, mace, etc., and then acted provocatively towards the patriotic football supporters who had come to London to protect the statues vandalised by BLM supporters last week. Last week: In any confrontations between patriots and BLM/antifa, the police made sure to police the patriots to stop them defending themselves, while turning a blind eye to any violence by Leftists. Elsewhere gangs of BLM thugs roamed the streets looking for isolated Whites to attack. This was then reported as "thuggish Right-wing violence."

     In the article one can see quotes from the mainstream media saying how peaceful the protests were, the photographs show the urban terrorists bashing people to their delight. So, the media lies and lies some more. In the UK, the police allowed the mass rapes of children, which still goes on because of pollical correctness. Across the West, the police are a force for disarming the population. Meanwhile try getting a cop when you need one. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Democracy the God that Failed (2001), which defends the “natural order” and secession, and who thinks that individuals armed with guns are the best form of self-protection, is worth re-reading on this point. Communities are probably best able to look after themselves, given the degeneracy of modern society, especially as states break up under the stress of diversity.