Summit News has some over-the-top articles showing how stupid the universities have become, and associated Leftism, a sewer flowing from them. The one I will report on is the students wanting to have admin fire a professor who opposed slavery. Just imagine if he supported it, perhaps to raise a rude finger to them!

“Students are petitioning to have a professor at Loyola University New Orleans fired over his opinions on slavery, even though he vehemently opposes it. Economics professor Walter Block says his opposes slavery because he is a libertarian, but that reasoning isn’t good enough for some students, who wish to see the professor removed because he doesn’t have exactly the same opinions as they do. A petition, signed by over 600 students, alleges that Block has ‘racist and sexist beliefs’. The petition claims that Block “has publicly stated that he believes slavery to be wrong because it goes against Libertarianism, not because it is morally wrong.” “If Loyola is really wanting to remove racism, they should remove racists from teaching,” it adds. “While it is important to have professors with different views and opinions and beliefs, racist and sexist beliefs should not be a part of this,” it continues, adding “It is harmful to any non-men and any Black people to be taught that slavery isn’t morally wrong, to be taught that women don’t deserve to be paid and treated equally.” The students also claim that Block has “ableist” opinions, in that he discriminates against people with disabilities. It claims that Block once told a student that he thinks the “Americans with Disabilities Act was a terrible law”.

     To say the least, the Left are particularly ideologically fussy, which comes before a fall.