Here is yet another example of toxic Leftism:

“Jeanne Hedgepeth, a Palatine High School, Illinois, social studies teacher, has been fired over one of her social media posts after the Township High School District 211 board members voted 5-2 to terminate her employment. “I am about facts, truth-seeking and love,” Hedgepeth wrote in the Facebook post that led to her termination. “I will speak on any topic I choose because I live in a free country. I find the term ‘white privilege’ as racist as the ‘N’ word. You have not walked in my shoes either so do not make assumptions about me and my so called privilege. You think America is racist? Then you’ve been hoodwinked by the white liberal establishment and race baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Travel the world and go see that every nation has racism and some more than others but few make efforts such as we do to mitigate or eliminate it.” She also recommended the work of economist Thomas Sowell, political commentator and activist Candace Owens, and author and radio host Larry Elder. Additionally, Hedgepeth argued that there is a “deeper problem than racism.” She finished by recommending that the black community should stop believing “Democrats, mainstream media and intellectuals in ivory towers.”

     And she was sacked. Jewish intellectual and all-time champion of exposing the madness of the Left, Pam Geller, has a great piece that sums up Leftism. It is worth printing off and putting on the fridge, next to the reminder to buy hand sanitizer:

“Leftism forces some to be ashamed of what they think, and others to shame those who think. It teaches white people to hate their race, girls to hate acting like girls, boys to hate their sex, women to hate their femininity, men to hate their manhood, Americans to hate their country, westerners to reject their history, Christians to hate their religion. It threatens Mercedes with “cancel culture” invented by the Nazis. It pushes the bourgeois to feel guilty for their comfort, the rich to hate their wealth, and the poor to be frustrated for having nothing. It demands resentment against the policemen who protect, and forgiveness for those who assault. Leftism demands that parity between men and women, but denies the existence of the sexes; that women be freed, but obey the laws of Islam; that the criminals of today be forgiven, but that we pay for those of the past. It teaches disgust for one’s own Nation and tolerance for those of others, rejection of capitalism but buy an Amazon and get the last iPhone, hatred of religions and respect for Islam. It teaches white women to hate the white man and love the black man; black men to hate the white man and love the white woman; black women to live without a man, neither white nor black; white children to live with two fathers or two mothers, and black children to live without a father and mother.”

     The equation to teach our children: Leftism = BAD!