Wow, a chain article, linked in theme with my brother writers. Yes, we are moving into a state of techno-feudalism, where the elites rule through control of resources, in this case information. The latest in censorship is that boobtube, sorry, YouTube, is going to fact check controversial videos with that king of authorities, Wikipedia! Yes, Wikipedia, a site which university students are not permitted to quote because of its lack of authority: 

“Now, YouTube CEO Wojcicki believes that video content creators who dare mention “conspiracy” topics such as mercury in vaccines, chemtrails or the globalist depopulation agenda must be “corrected” with Wikipedia propaganda. The thought police are hard at work at YouTube, banning or censoring all the videos they don’t want you to see. The new Wikipedia “corrections” will begin appearing on YouTube videos in the next two weeks, Wojcicki said in a SXSW speech. Notice her doublespeak as she explains how this is going to work: “When there are videos that are focused around something that’s a conspiracy — and we’re using a list of well-known internet conspiracies from Wikipedia — then we will show a companion unit of information from Wikipedia showing that here is information about the event…”

“Companion” unit of information? What she means is that the YouTube thought police will “correct” the video to make sure the techno-dictatorship properly indoctrinates the minds of viewers with the official (false) narrative on everything. No independent thinking will be allowed on any subject that matters — climate change, the federal reserve, vaccines or science — without being intercepted and “corrected” by YouTube’s thought control monitors. Yes, George Orwell’s 1984 has arrived, and it’s called “YouTube...

This announcement by the propagandist-in-chief Susan Wojcicki — who is rapidly becoming the Joseph Goebbels of the internet — reveals just how quickly YouTube is following in the footsteps of Communist China to control the perceptions and thoughts of its users. All the so-called “conspiracy theories” that will be “corrected” by YouTube, of course, are determined by radical left-wing indoctrination overlords who dominate the tech platforms. To these totalitarian lunatics, the idea that the Russians stole the 2016 election is a “fact,” but the idea that geoengineering experiments are being run to alter the atmosphere is a “conspiracy theory” (even though it’s now openly admitted by science-based universities such as MIT).”

     Here is a pile of material on the internet censorship issue, the silencing of electronic dissent, if you are interested, and I hope that you are by now: 

     But, all is not lost. Mike Adams for one, is very pro-active on the IT front and is launching Real.Video to answer You Tube’s censorship, and is giving a good example of the way to fight back. Establish alternative networks, and keep control of them so that the elites will have a more difficult time censoring them: 

     The time of the word may be coming to an end, as it always does.