The US TRACE Bill, which is House Resolution 6666, “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyon,” has as its aim, to track everybody, and to “trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts, through mobile health units and, as necessary … at [citizens’] residences.” Although this is denied by all the sites set up to deny such things, clearly a truly rotten government will misuse such an Act to invade your house and force you to have a Covid-19 test, possibly an anal probe thermometer, and if positive, keep you locked in your home. Why else have all of hose apocalyptic 6’s and mark of the beast? Was it simply to troll Christians?

“Reopening our economy and getting back to normal will be all but impossible if we do not step up our testing efforts and implement robust and widespread contact tracing,” Congressman Rush said in a statement. “The COVID-19 TRACE Act will allow us to do this by creating a $100 billion grant program for local organizations to hire, train and pay individuals and to purchase supplies to run mobile testing units and door-to-door outreach as is safe and necessary.”

     Along with this, WHO wants people to be forcefully removed from their homes if necessary. Remember those FEMA camps that were laughed at a few months back?

“(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Health and 7 Human Services, acting through the Director of the Cen8 ters for Disease Control and Prevention, may award 9 grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for 10 COVID–19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected 11 individuals, and to support the quarantine of such con12 tacts, through— 13 (1) mobile health units; and 14 (2) as necessary, testing individuals and pro15 viding individuals with services related to testing and 16 quarantine at their residences.”

     It is full speed ahead now to a New World Order, more oppressive that the elites ever dreamt possible. They must be so excited that they do not sleep. Or eat as many insects as thewy used to, assuming that is what lizard creatures from mars, actually eat. Better email Davey on that one.