By CR on Friday, 19 July 2019
Category: Health

The Eyes Have It! By Mrs Vera West

     Here is a great article on something we take for granted until it is under threat: our eyesight! The point made is that eye health is intrinsically linked to a healthy diet, and much eye disease can be controlled by getting one’s diet under control as soon as possible, like, now.

“Dr. Chris Knobbe, an ophthalmologist, has written an excellent book — Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration — which, like the title suggests, tells you how to address the most common cause of legal blindness in the United States. One of his heroes is Weston A. Price, the dentist who wrote the classic book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. I did not know this when I read Knobbe’s book, but it is very clear to me that Knobbe is the 21st century equivalent of Dr. Price. The difference is that Price focused on the teeth and general physical degenerative diseases, like arthritis and cancer, whereas Knobbe is concentrated on his specialty, the eyes. But their findings are nearly identical: Industrially processed food is the root of most chronic disease. The first chapter is available free of charge on, where you can also order the book. Knobbe says, “Ultimately … the next step I want to do is to … physically go out into the world and evaluate … the few niches around the world that are still consuming ancestral diets and analyze their macular degeneration,” he says. Still, without venturing into foreign lands, Knobbe has amassed a wealth of knowledge by sifting through the published research, and what he’s found is shocking. Physicians are taught that macular degeneration is an inevitable consequence of aging and genetics, primarily, and has always existed. This, it turns out, is an absolute untruth.

Westernized diets are synonymous with chronic disease
As for so many others, Knobbe’s interest in diet and nutrition grew out of a personal experience. He’d suffered with arthritis for 15 years when he heard of the paleo diet, and within 10 days of switching saw significant improvement in his symptoms. “In a nutshell, in about eight or 10 days, my arthritis was 80% better. This was so incredibly shocking to me after suffering for 15 years that I really wanted to know all I could know about nutrition. It just changed my life. I started investigating then. This was in 2011. For the next couple of years, I investigated nutrition as much as I could. I learned so much but I was lost, until I came across the research of Weston Price … Price was a highly-accomplished scientist, researcher and dentist who, in the 1930s, spent the better part of that decade evaluating people all around the world … as they transitioned from native, traditional diets to westernized diets … He defined [the western diet] as refined white flour, sugars, canned goods, sweets, confectionery and vegetable oils. What Price found was that as people transitioned to those foods, they began to develop all of these diseases of civilization … The take-home point here is that native, traditional foods contained 10 times as many fat-soluble vitamins, which are vitamins A, D and K2, four times as many water-soluble vitamins, which are all the B vitamins and C … and one and a half to 60 times more minerals than did the American diets of his day … I’ve simplified it down to refined white flour, sugars, polyunsaturated vegetable oils and trans fats. When we consume these foods, we develop … chronic non-communicable disease. This includes heart disease, cancers, stroke, [high blood pressure], Type 2 diabetes, obesity, all the autoimmune disorders and so forth. I understood this in 2013. Later that year, it finally hit me. I asked myself, ‘Could macular degeneration be another one of these diseases?’ Might it be a disease that follows processed food consumption? That question changed the course of my life … I left ophthalmology practice and pursued this full-time, because I felt like it was the only way that I could … do all the research, write a book and publish papers … to try to get the word out … that our research supports the hypothesis with every last detail.”

     There is a pattern in all of these health articles. The Western high-processed diet is toxic. Turn to organic vegetables, fruit (in moderation) and high-quality organic meats, eating less if the budget is tight; you are not going to die from some calorie restriction, and this in itself could add to your life! Eyes are part of a holistic system, and will be poisoned by the toxins of the modern lifestyle, since the eyes are extremely sensitive mechanisms. They deserve better treatment for the service which they deliver, more than most people give them.

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