The caravan of illegals heading towards the US border is a symbol of the fate of the West; will the US resist an assault upon its borders, or will it be like a person, who suddenly decides to live without the protective barrier of a skin?

“Kansas Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach says the 7,000-strong migrant caravan headed to the United States-Mexico border is the “most advanced stage” in the political left’s “open borders psychosis.” Kobach, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, said the migrant caravan of Central Americans — which consist of previously deported illegal aliens and job-seekers — is the final stage in the open borders agenda, dating back to the 1990s. “The Democrats’ reaction to the caravan … they’re reacting by calling it a ‘humanitarian crisis’ and cheering on the migrants,” Kobach said. “This is the most advanced stage of their open borders psychosis.” “Now we have a new phase of the open borders psychosis which is the left cheering illegal aliens outside of the country to come in,” Kobach said. “Which is a huge process past advocating for amnesty for illegal aliens already in the country.” “They’re demanding the border be open,” Kobach continued. Kobach also noted that despite the establishment media’s claims of the caravan migrants fleeing a “humanitarian crisis” in Central America, there is “no war and no famine” in the region. In a column for Breitbart News, Kobach called the migrant caravan a “consequence of rewarding illegal immigration,” writing that the “caravan also illustrates the rampant abuse of our asylum laws.”

     The elites dearly wish for Trump to stumble on this one. But, will he suddenly find the last burst of manhood, like the beaten hero in some Hollywood movie, to rise up and save the day. Until the next migration wave.