It is Sunday, a time for deep reflection. Christian conservatives, like me, practice cognitive dissonance all the time, living in contradictions. We think, in the privacy of our own homes, or in our isolated corners of the web, that are not get censored, that we live in a conservative Christian culture, as the foundations of law, literature whatever are, or were, Christian. But, the goal posts have long been moved and the proof of this is that many Christian conservatives seek alternative church venues, once they find that their old church has become, by a process of Fabian gradualism, progressive, and traditions turned to dust in their hands. Then there is the complete deconstruction of the traditional concept of marriage and the family, now accepted by the democratic majority (and if not, then the highest courts will make it law, and to hell with democracy):

     But it is now many dimensions worse than even that now. Religious freedom, the right to scream out in existential/theological pain against those murdering one’s former culture has been essentially undermined in the name of progressive liberal values. Now there is a battle to preserve anything at all:

“One Nation will introduce a private member’s bill aimed at protecting religious freedoms and is demanding Scott Morrison do the same. Former federal Labor leader Mark Latham is pushing for the legislation in his new role as NSW One Nation leader. It comes in response to GoFundMe cancelling Israel Folau’s fundraiser. Mr Latham tells Alan Jones “these laws are well overdue” and should be implemented at a federal level as well. “Scott Morrison spoke about them in the federal election campaign but they’ve been pushed out to yet another review.”

     We can anticipate that this will be opposed by all progressives just as the attempt to control the section 18 C dragon was opposed, and freedom of speech defeated. Leaving everything until one nanosecond to doomsday, is not a great strategy. For example, even the legacy of the destruction of the traditional family and the oppressive regime of feminism will have longer-term ramifications:

“[A] growing class of bachelors who, in another age would have been married productive citizens, is an ominous sign of the anarchy and chaos to come, one that Western society ignores at its own peril. In all societies, a growing body of sexless or undersexed, unwanted men is a powerful destabilizing force; if there are no wars to kill off society’s excess men or allow men to capture and enslave women as spoils of war, then it is only a matter of time before the government must quell large-scale rebellion. Rebellions and wars, driven by an inequitable distribution of sexual resources, are by no means a rare occurrence or a feature of the human evolutionary past. Sociobiologist David Barash argues that the Arab Spring of 2010 to 2012, the massive anti-government protests and armed rebellions against the regimes of North Africa and the Middle East, were largely driven by male sexual frustration and loneliness. In his words:

“...a substantial underlying driver of social unrest was the widespread tradition in many Arab societies whereby even monogamous marriage isn’t tenable until a would-be groom has accumulated sufficient wealth to ‘afford’ a bride.” (2016) The liberalization of sexual standards has practically destroyed family life and created an environment in which female hyperselectivity can flourish without being reined in by the dominant males who control society. Excessive polygyny and female hyperselectivity cannot long continue without some kind of violent response. Internecine strife over scarce sexual resources was endemic to Stone Age hunter-gatherer and Neolithic agropastoralist societies, which is why rulers constrained their polygynous tendencies or introduced monogamy to pacify inferior males; but now that Western elites have abandoned legally enforced monogamy, the time has once again become ripe for open rebellion against the status quo.”

     It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.