Wow, Mike Adams is way ahead of me. Whereas I was warning of a Chinese invasion, old school, he has gone one better and argued that this Red Dawn scenario is already under way in the US, maybe also in Australia, but I am not sure:

     Sorry, I could not access the site probably due to the Chinese cyber-attacks. Every time I clicked on the URL, it went through an endless loop then clicked of. But, that proves the point. Maybe the site is up now so you can have a captain cook. Wait, stop press, my Chinese student friend who hates the commos came by and helped me out with his lap top, so there you go:

“Many people are unaware of it, but communist China already has a foothold in the United States. The fields of solar energy farms that blanket much of the American southwest are actually controlled and run by the Chinese military, in many cases, and one day these “sleeper cells” are going to awaken and carry out the rest of the takeover, reports a prominent analyst. What takeover, you might be asking? The one that is right now being ratcheted up with the manufactured public outrage over George Floyd. According to Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, the next phase of China’s “Red Dawn” invasion of our country involves escalating the number of domestic terrorist acts in order to destabilize the country and pave the way for the final solution. Likening the current situation to the infamous TET Offensive that was unleashed by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army back in 1968, the goal right now is to further deunify and splinter America to the point that a divide-and-conquer plan of attack can be quickly executed, bringing our country to its knees. “The Floyd murder has provided the Deep State an excuse to perpetrate rioting across America with the intent of promoting a helter-skelter race war designed to destabilize the country,” Hodges writes about the slash-and-burn approach currently being used to weaken the U.S. “These other groups will play a role in this phased attack upon America,” he adds. “The real enemy of America is communist China. And the main force behind the CHICOMS’ attack upon America will prove to be ISIS.””

     People will not be laughing when the first Communist Chinese president of America, Joe Biden, dissolves America in November.