Battle fatigue makes one a little cynical, if not cranky. The rape of Britain phenomenon, seen in the child grooming/rape/torture cases of thousands of white British girls by migrant men, has led to increasingly extreme cases, with lower ages of the raped victims … now it seems even toddlers are not safe: 

“There have been more than 6,000 grooming crimes recorded in the UK in less than five years, with numbers dramatically rising in the past 12 months, Home Office statistics reveal. The data reveals there were more than five times more reported grooming offences last year than in the previous 12 months, with children as young as two-years-old as targets. Offences were logged by police in England and Wales from April 2013 to December 2017, and appear to be rapidly accelerating as new offences are added to the statute books. Between April and December 2017, in the space of just eight months, there were a total of 2,996 grooming crimes recorded.”

     The youngest victim is aged two years, making this some kind of obscene record. White British children, being given no protection by a politically correct police force, existing solely to control criticism of migration, are existing only a cannon fodder for the gangs of Britain. Yes, indeed, multiculturalism has worked and served its intended purpose: 

     Across the EU, a majority of people, including 73 percent in Sweden think that integration of migrants has failed:

     Of course, with mass migration levels to come, it will be local populations that will need to integrate into the majority migrant populations, leading to a complete change in identity of the West; no monarchy, no democracy and no separation between the state and religion, i.e. Islam: