One of the sad aspects of the feminist breakdown of normal relationships, which once kept sex in marriage, is that many young men turn to porn, as it is now just too hard to deal with hyper-feminist girls. However, there is a large amount of research showing that porn has destructive impact upon the brain, as this very good article mentions in passing:

“Sex addiction, as the narrator explains, is much like drug addiction. Orgasms release endorphins, which, much like the morphine for which they are named, serve to kill both physical and emotional pain. This can be very desirable for those with unhappy lives like Victor’s, and can cause a dependence which is difficult to break. A great deal of research has resulted in evidence that sex or pornography addiction is connected with changes in brain function and structure in a similar way to other addictions. Chronic porn use  may alter areas of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex, which is the area responsible for conscious decision-making, self-restraint, and concern for consequences. It is arguably what separates man from beast, as this area makes up much more of the human brain than that of any other animal.

Many studies show differences in the brains and/or behavior of habitual porn users in line with lower ability to delay gratification, implying impaired functioning in the frontal lobes. Deficits and dysfunction in this area of the brain be connected to criminality  and psychopathy , among other psychological problems. This is not to say that sexual deviancy simply turns people into criminals, but it is connected with the sort of mindset which is to be expected among prison inmates – of the sort which the film’s deviant protagonist displays. Essentially, although causation may go in both directions, this type of behavior is toxic to the spirit. This is not meant in a metaphysical or religious sense, but in the sense intended by phrases such as “he has no soul” or “it broke his spirit.” In other words, it threatens to destroy what separates man from Antifa.”

     Now you don’t want to fall form “man” to “antifa” do you? Who knows where you will go. Here is some of the material referred to in the article, if anyone is interested in follow up:

     Therefore, young men, to protect your sensitive brains, stay away from porn, like the proverbial plague. Just because it is on the net, does not mean that it is good for you. Sugary sweets are everywhere, but they rot your teeth. I rest my case.