To The Australian        Douglas Murray may be too pessimistic in claiming that "all our grand narratives have collapsed" ("Crowds running us all off a cliff", 14-15/9). More accurately, they are under siege; but the "social justice warriors", who (as Murray notes) "exist to undermine vital institutions, not to rehabilitate them", are unlikely to finally breach the walls. The Christian sacred tradition remains a profound treasury of wisdom, if in need of a greater makeover than that of the 15th Century. Our arts tradition (think Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Bach and their colleagues old and new) still thrives. Common sense and a love of truth are still widely found, as our everyday lives show. There's been a temporary surge of madnesses, yes; but it is Gadarene swine that run off cliffs, not sensible people genuinely concerned to live well, while pulling their weight. Society will find a new balance wherewith to restrain "politically correct" lunacies.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic