To The Australian        Reading Janet Albrechtsen's latest sensible defence of free speech ("Resisting tyranny in the age of outrage", 15-16/9), one recalls the famous biblical question: "Who will go out to fight if the trumpets give an uncertain sound?" Perhaps the reason that there are so many "pusillanimous people" among those who should guard the openness of our social forums is that there is profound confusion over what our nation should stand for. Are we a Christian nation? Well, there are a large number of vocal and aggressive atheists, probably as many or more apathetic agnostics and then far too many Christians who adhere to a fatally flawed "orthodox" theology that most of our best minds cannot possibly advocate. Are we really liberal and democratic? Well, there are still some sensitive topics that are not allowed to be debated in our main public forums, and the very structure of our party political system seriously inhibits authentic representation of the electorate on several great issues, notably immigration. Yes, "we need to open young minds to the wonder of new and challenging ideas", but we need beyond that a much more profound and widespread love of truth - and willingness to publicly defend it.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic