Let’s see; the Nazi’s used guns, mathematics and science, and ate food, so all of that must be racist, eh, so ban it? Thus, the latest Trump Derangement Syndrome tantrum has been over a T-shirt with an eagle supposedly being a Nazi symbol:

“The Trump campaign pushed back hard on this idea. “This is moronic. In Democrats’ America, Mount Rushmore glorifies white supremacy and the bald eagle with an American flag is a Nazi symbol. They have lost their minds," Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications director, said in an email to USA TODAY.

America's use of the eagle
“The Great Seal of America” was developed in 1782 and also features a right-facing eagle, though the bird’s talons are spread, one holding arrows, the other holding an olive branch. "Only one authorized Great Seal is in official use and is operated by the U.S. Department of State. The Great Seal is impressed upon official documents such as treaties and commissions. The Department of State affixes about 3,000 seals to official documents yearly," according to the State Department's website. But the eagle is widely used in American political imagery. The office of the American president and many Cabinet-level offices have official seals that also incorporate an eagle as the central design.”

     The Nazi eagle is all black, while the US design is a bald eagle – completely different, and proverbial Blind Freddy could see that. Only those eager to find racism under every carpet would have gone down this road, but it is sign of our crazy times.