There is plenty of material from our side of politics arguing that the coronavirus is a genetically engineered weapon. Myself and Brian are not promoting that line yet, because for all we know, this virus may not be “the big one.” Best to take a more careful approach of watchful waiting, like men are supposed to do with their ageing prostates. As the articles below indicate, the worst-case scenario is that the virus does become a pandemic, and craters the world economy. That will be the economic MZB (mutant zombie biker) scenario, where we can expect roaming gangs to be out raiding to get supplies. Oh, that is home invasion and it is in full swing now, but I suppose there will be much more.

     For those who are especially paranoid, like me, here is a good book devoted entirely to surviving the coronavirus. I kick myself for not writing something like this myself, but, hey, now I don’t have to. I can now go back to bugging out with the bugs in the deep bush.