The truth of rats; it could be the title of a postmodern film, but it describes an ironic live news shot about Trump’s claim that the city of Baltimore was “infested.” There on clue, the largest rat many people have ever seen runs through the film, almost on cue.

     I like it how reality has a way of directly refuting the lies of liberalism. And, nor do “hood rats,” to use the Baltimore expression for gang bangers, lie, much of the time. They are just too busy with their day jobs of killing each other:

     Thus, five Baltimore men were shot and killed the first day of the twitter war between the Trump and the Democrats, such as Elijah Cummings. Then irony upon irony, Cummings’ West Baltimore office was broken into! I know that around 1999 the Baltimore City Health Department closed its Rat Eradication Program after they were attacked under the Edison Highway Bridge a pack of rats. This program has ever since been staffed by only two men. In the world to come of the Western city, the rat will be king, and perhaps already is: