To THE AUSTRALIAN          Alan Scott (11/1) rightly opposes the tyranny in universities of ‘dominant theories’ used ‘to control people for the benefit of those at the top of the particular professional tree’. At the same time, and very relevantly, Maurice Newman warns (‘We’d better start swimmin’ or we’ll sink like a stone’) that ‘victimhood is a thriving industry’ and that ‘self-identifying minorities are demanding, and receiving, preferential treatment.’

     The most egregious example of this cultural corruption is the continuing refusal to allow in public forums open and free discussion of the Holocaust. Last month John Wear published his essay on ‘The Chemistry of Auschwitz/Birkenau’, examining scientific claims for and against the accepted story, and concluded that the alleged gas chambers ‘could not have been used to exterminate hundreds of thousands of people.’ 
Is this likely to be discussed in the major Australian media? It should be.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic